The World’s Biggest Book Club

Just a random thought about a system of belief we’re supposed to pay attention to.

8 Comments. Leave new

  • Ted, you need therapy. Do yourself a favor, calm down and seek help for your extreme hatred of those you disagree with.

  • When will you posting a cartoon about Islam?

  • Yeah, because I’ve never done one of those (rolls eyes).

  • Is somebody miserable because Bush Il Jong’s lying screed is going to outsell his heartfelt but delusional plea to Revolution, channeled by the very spirit of Ole Karl?
    Perhaps ’tis time to get back to drawing El Busho cartoons.

  • Reading these content-free, puerile comments inspired me to register.

    “gladebyday” – You need therapy. Do yourself a favour and stop being a useless troll.

    “US 395” – When are you going to criticize US foreign policy in Latin America?

    “bucephalus” – Are you miserable because you have so little to do with your life that your taunting writers you disagree with? Perhaps you should buy a new Sarah Palin or Alberto Gonzales poster to wank to.

    I’ve probably made everybody’s day by noticing them.

    But I just thought that I’d say that whenever I actually tried to engage with trolls such as these it turned out that there really wasn’t anything other than empty snark that they had to offer. So I’m outta here …

  • “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Buddhism
    “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Hinduism
    “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Taoism
    “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Confucianism
    “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Sikhism
    “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Juche
    “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Zoroastrianism
    “When will you posting [sic] a cartoon about….” Unitarian Unversalism (oh I can’t wait for this one!!)

    See Ted, everything….EVERYTHING…has to be tit-for-tat….everything is just a catch phrase response that you have to be ready for. Sometimes I wonder if US395 is an automated soundbite machine…than I think…..wait, HE IS!

  • The Unitarian Universalists get very excited whenever anyone notices they exist. If you do a cartoon about them, it would get you wide exposure in an audience that is mostly sympathetic to your politics.

  • Are you miserable because you have so little to do with your life that your taunting writers you disagree with?

    You’d have a point calling me miserable if my replies were not tongue-in-cheek, pal. These past few days, Ted’s comments do indeed sound like his frustrated and in a bad mood. At least, he’s not in as bad a mood as you seem to be.

    Perhaps you should buy a new Sarah Palin or Alberto Gonzales poster to wank to.

    Do you think everybody’s as politically bipolar as you? Just because I’m not a commie, doesn’t mean I don’t think Sarah Palin is a dangerous fool. Go wank to a Chomsky poster yourself.

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