Politics Without Policies

For the first time in memory, both major candidates for president of the United States are heading into the home stretch of a campaign without having campaigned for concrete policy proposals. We literally have no idea what either of them would do if elected. All we know is their tone and public personnas.

Finish What Job?

Barack Obama is asking to be given the chance to finish the job. The trouble is, he never started it.

Dying to Get Thin

In 2007, Ohio executioners repeatedly stabbed condemned inmate Christopher Newton to try to insert IVs so they could inject the poison. The prison blamed his weight: 265 lbs. Now an even heavier man faces the same ordeal.

A Woman’s Right to Choose

What about the right to choose of Pakistani women? According to Obama, they don’t even have the right to live, much less have an abortion.


Obama’s attorney general announced that the Department of Justice will not prosecute anyone for the murders of CIA detainees during the Bush years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Still, despite this and Guantanamo, most Americans still think Obama is likeable—a key factor in this year’s campaign.

A Terrible Shock

U.S. officials are shocked by the murder by radical Islamists of the American Ambassador to Libya, in a country whose government is dominated by radical Islamists they installed. Here we go again…will Syria be next?

Assuming That It Works

Free-market right-wingers say that short-term handouts create a culture of dependency, that what is needed is a long-term solution: lower taxes and regulations for business, which will create increased prosperity. In the long term, however, we are all dead.

Positively Lying

Facts don’t matter in attack ads, where anything goes. Why not take the same approach in positive ads that tout a candidate’s achievements?

Absolutely Better Off

The Obama campaign says Americans are “absolutely” better off than they were four years ago. Who are they asking? Not the tens of millions who lost their jobs and homes since 2008.

President Romney’s First 100 Days

Highlights of President Mitt Romney’s First 100 Days are expected to include more tax cuts for the rich, voucherizing Medicaid, defunding Obamacare, and slashing all federal spending except the Pentagon. Maybe it would be easier to blow up the government using the nuclear football (launch codes).
