So is Arsenic

The food industry spent $45 million to defeat California’ Proposition 37, which would have require “organic” labvaled foods to be labeled as GMO, or genetically modified, if they were.

Indiscriminate Criticism

During its recent exchange of missiles with Hamas in Gaza, Israel’s military criticized Hamas for using low-tech “dumb” missiles to “indiscriminately” bomb Israelis. Certainly Hamas would probably prefer to use Israeli’s high-tech US-supplied helicopter gunships to target high-ranking Israeli officials.

The Genius of Science Denial

Denying science isn’t dumb. It’s a brilliant strategy for governing the country! Consider the possibilities that open up when you refuse to live within the constraints of time and space.

The High-Tension Drama of “The Fiscal Cliff”

The media tries to gin up tension over what is essentially an accounting matter: the “fiscal cliff” that would automatically trigger across-the-board budget cuts at the end of the year unless Congress and the President come to a budget deal.

The High-Tension Drama of “The Fiscal Cliff”

The media tries to gin up tension over what is essentially an accounting matter: the “fiscal cliff” that would automatically trigger across-the-board budget cuts at the end of the year unless Congress and the President come to a budget deal.

President Obama Weighs In

President Obama expresses his support for Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas missiles originating in Gaza. He even says it would be OK for Israel to invade. Does the same rule apply to Pakistan, currently under fire by American missiles? Is it OK for Pakistan to invade the United States in order to defend itself?

The First Step

After their defeat in the 2012 presidential race, the Republican Party reassesses its history of anti-Latino rhetoric, as well as racism, sexism and homophobia. They seem ready to be quiet about their beliefs, not to change them.

Another Victim of Government Spying

CIA Director David Petraeus, whose agency reads Americans’ email and listens to their phone calls, loses his career because the FBI read his emails.

Say It Ain’t So, Ho!

General David Petraeus, director of the CIA, is forced to resign after it is discovered that he has been having an affair. No mention is made of his activities as the head of an agency that overthrows democratically-elected governments, spies on American citizens, and assassinates innocent people with drone planes.

Second PhD

Universities love PhD students because they’re a source of cheap, brilliant, disposable labor. What’s in it for the students? Debt, underemployment and a salary 3% higher than masters graduates.
