Obama’s Illegal War Against Syria

Barack Obama wants to fire cruise missiles at Syria. As president of the nation whose military possesses the most lethal firepower of any society in history, he obviously has the ability to start this war — his sixth major front, after Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Pakistan — if he wants to. But does he have the legal right?

The answer is no. Not if the basic architecture of the Constitution, the separation of powers, remains in force. Not if the Founding Fathers’ originalist intent, and their understanding of English at the time, means anything. Not if America’s treaty obligations, which after ratification carry the full force of U.S. law, are more than pieces of paper.

Might makes right; the victor writes history. No doubt, in the perhaps-not-so-distant future, if the United States is formally constituted as an empire, with Syria one of its outlying provinces or a vassal state, no one will care how it went down back in 2013. Until then, however, it matters a lot. Attacking Syria without legal basis would have broad implications, and not just for the Syrians who will lose their lives, limbs and sanity.

Back here in what neofascist politicians and media mouthpieces call the Homeland, we Americans are watching our top officials and boldface notables brush off the basic legal underpinnings of the political culture with impunity.

Obama and his allies’ disdain for the law probably won’t spark much street protest, much less an uprising. (These days, you have to be a white Republican to provoke a demonstration against your wars.) Nevertheless, official lawlessness is corroding the system, hastening the coming rebellion just as surely as rust will eventually cause a bridge to collapse. When those at the top don’t follow their own rules — rules that they wrote, rules from which they benefit the most ­— why should anyone else? “They say I got to respect the system,” the Australian punk band the Saints sang, “but there ain’t no respect in that system for me.”

Obama and the other warmongers are counting on ignorance and confusion to make their case, but the rules of war are clear.

Attacking Syria would be illegal.

Obama and his surrogates keep saying that Obama has the “inherent power” to attack Syria (or any other country) in his role as commander-in-chief. He’s only asking Congress for approval, he says, because he’s a nice guy (and the political cover doesn’t hurt if and when the war turns sour, as they usually do).

In The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton explained the thinking behind the new Constitution to 18th century newspaper readers. The president’s role as “commander-in-chief” was nothing close to the lofty Caesar-like rights Obama claim. So ceremonial as to be virtually insignificant, the commander-in-chief gig barely rated a mention: “While [the powers] of the British kings extends to the declaring of war and to the raising and regulating of fleets and armies,” Hamilton explained, “all which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the Legislature [Congress].”

In his book War Powers: How The Imperial Presidency Hijacked the Constitution, Peter Irons reminds us that under the U.S. Constitution, the president’s only military role is to repel an invasion — after it has occurred! — pending action by Congress. “The Framers,” writes Irons, “agreed that the president could act without a congressional declaration of war to repel an invasion but that only Congress could authorize the deployment of forces outside the nation’s territory in combat against foreign troops.”

The Founders were split on a number of issues. Slavery, for instance. On separation of powers and making war, they were virtually unanimous. Only a single delegate voted to vest the president with the right to wage war.

Obama has no “inherent right” to attack Syria or any other country.

Under the Constitution, Congress could do it. But the U.S. is also subject to treaty obligations that clearly block it from attacking Syria under present circumstances.

The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, which the U.S. Senate ratified by an 85-1 vote, bans all acts of military aggression. Many of the Nazi leaders executed and imprisoned at Nuremberg were convicted for violating this Pact. It remains in force as international law.

The U.N. Charter mandates that all U.N. member states “refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.” The Charter does not make exceptions for the three principal arguments Obama makes in favor of attacking Syria: punishment (for using chemical weapons), preemption (it’ll send a message to other possible future chemical weapons users, such as Iran and North Korea) and deterrence (it will deter Assad from attacking Jordan or Israel). To the contrary, the Fourth Geneva Convention outlaws “collective punishment” in which civilians are targeted to suffer for the offenses of their government.

During George W. Bush’s propaganda offensive leading to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Bush and his allies (many of the same figures pushing to attack Syria) successfully convinced the public to sign off on their “preemptive war.” But neither Iraq then, nor Syria now, comes close to fitting the bill legally.

“There’s a well-accepted definition for preemptive war in international law,” Joseph Cirincione, Director of the Non-Proliferation Project of the Carnegie Endowment, said in late 2002. “Preemptive war is justified by an imminent threat of attack, a clear and present danger that the country in question is about to attack you. In such a case a preemptive attack is recognized as justifiable.”

That’s a very high bar. Even troops massed on your border don’t automatically qualify as an imminent threat under international law. You have to let the enemy hit you first, or have strong reason to believe they’re about to do so.

Now Obama can argue — and others will — that Geneva, Kellogg-Briand, the U.N. Charter, and even the U.S. Constitution are quaint, outdated relics, written by naïve men whose 20th century attempts to outlaw war are irrelevant today. If that’s what they think, then they should convince us to amend or annul them.

As long as these laws remain in force, and as long as Obama and other members of America’s ruling class continue to ignore them, an ugly day of reckoning draws closer.

P.S. to Mr. Obama: Please, Sire, may we miserable subjects of your Benevolent Self kindly see proof that the Syrian government (and not the rebels) carried out that poison gas attack the other day? How about some evidence?


(Ted Rall’s website is Go there to join the Ted Rall Subscription Service and receive all of Ted’s cartoons and columns by email.)


Guest Post: Bravo, Rush!

Susan here. Rush Limbaugh has recently come out as against war on Syria, stating that the “damning” chemical weapons incident was staged by the so-called “rebels”. This is true, and I hope radical truth-telling on Rush’s part becomes a pattern in the future.

I’m not holding my breath, though.



Obama Asks Congress for Authorization to Hit UC Davis With Cruise Missiles

A GOLF COURSE OUTSIDE WASHINGTON, DC — President Obama said today that he was ready to take military action against the University of California at Davis in retaliation for its alleged use of chemical weapons, but that he will seek the approval of Congress before carrying out any military strike.

Obama says congressional leaders have agreed to schedule a debate and vote when they return to session. They are scheduled to return from their summer recess on Sept. 9.

The president did not say whether he’d forgo a strike if Congress rejects his call to action.

“After careful deliberation, I have decided that the United States should take military action against UC targets, including Lieutenant John Pike,” Obama said. “This would not be an open-ended intervention. We would not put boots on the ground. Instead, our action would be designed to be limited in duration and scope.

“This attack is an assault on human dignity,” Obama said of the alleged Nov. 18, 2011 chemical assault against Occupy Wall Street protesters, which the U.S. intelligence community has linked to UC campus security. “It also presents a serious danger to our national security.”

Regime Change

American propaganda, especially during the build up to a military conflict, is always laughably simplistic. Today I would like to discuss the trope that American officials have of using the word regime to refer to any government with which it disagrees and has decided to target for war. No doubt you have noticed that the Obama administration now refers to the government of Syrian Pres. Bashar al-Assad as the “Assad regime.”

George W. Bush (who was not even legitimately elected, thus would properly be referred to as the head of “the Bush regime”) used the same linguistic construction when he wanted to attack Iraq after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

When a government is the enemy or foe or adversary of the United States, it becomes a regime. Which is also interesting because this used to be a left-wing construction. When it is an allied government, no matter how monstrous, it is a government.

So it is not the regime of Uzbekistani Pres. Islam Karimov, but rather the government of Islam Karimov. Silly but well worth noting. America relies on these Orwellian linguistic constructions almost as much as it relies on brute force to exercise its bullying ways throughout the world.

Cole Smithey’s Movie Week: Closed Circuit

Gaping plot holes don’t prevent this nearly current espionage thriller from grabbing its audience and keeping them hooked all the way to its socially volatile ending. As the title hints, England’s CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) method of public [and private] surveillance comes into play during a case involving the terrorist bombing of Burough Market in central London. The trial of a foreign suspect plays out in a secret London court where romantically-linked defense attorneys (played by Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall) struggle to find the truth beneath a thick stack of government-propagated deceptions.

Obama Is Actually Dissing Congress

An interesting yet mostly unremarked upon consequence of Obama’s surprise decision to seek congressional authorization for attacking Syria is that it perversely has the effect of delegitimizing the role of Congress in making war as well as the separation of powers.

Let me explain.

If the legislative branch has equal weight with the executive – you know, the way the founding fathers intended, what you learned in school – then Obama’s statement that he has the right to attack Syria without congressional approval but is simply asking in order to have a vigorous debate makes him the head of a parliamentary monarchy, not a president. Students of history will recall that King Louis XVI recalled the monarchal French parliament, the Estates-General, in 1789 in order to propose solutions to his government’s financial problems. They were a consultative body. But they served at the pleasure of the king and could be disbanded by him.

The former University of Chicago law professor is essentially arguing that Congress exists as a consultative body, not one with equal powers to him. In fact, under the United States Constitution, Congress has far more warmaking powers than the president, and the oft-talked-about term “commander-in-chief”, under the meaning of the 18th century when it was written, was a largely ceremonial position.

It is true that many presidents, going back to the early 19th century, have usurped Congress’ role. However, that doesn’t make it legal. What Obama is doing goes even further than presidents who ignored or bypassed Congress. He is in effect saying that whether Congress is consulted or not is up to him. It is amazing that nobody sees this.

Bear in mind, the fact that Obama claims that he is doing this in order to respect democracy is belied by his attempt to get his British allies to ram through approval, only to have it turned down by Parliament. He wanted to do this without Congress, but he can’t do it without the British or any significant popular support among the American people. So in a sense, he is allowing the Republicans to take the blame for whatever happens or doesn’t happen in Syria due to action or inaction. It’s just another cynical move.

By attempting to rush the American people into a war in under a week, and undermining the basic separation of powers to an unprecedented extent, President Obama may well be the most dangerous chief executive who has led United States of America.


This cartoon is for The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The Democratic Party can’t decide what it cares about most: its liberal base, which cares about the environment, or its campaign coffers, which receive major donations by energy companies.

Fracking Democrats

More BS From Obomber

Obama says that the chemical weapons attack allegedly launched by the Syrian government is an attack upon human dignity and, if unpunished, would make a mockery of the international conventions against chemical weapons. I don’t understand. Don’t drone strikes (one killed at least three innocent Pakistanis yeaterday) consist of an attack upon human dignity? What about international conventions against torture, to which the United States is a signatory? Why doesn’t Guantánamo qualify as cause for international military action? He says we have to do something. Wouldn’t diplomacy qualify as more than doing nothing?

However, it is mighty white of him to grant permission to Congress to weigh in, thus getting their hands as dirty as his. The funny thing is, he is willing to wait for them to come back into session in September. Clearly, this is not an imminent threat against United States or Congress’ vacation would have to be cut short.
