Anyone who thinks Hillary Rodham Clinton isn’t evil

should look at this photo:

That’s Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov. He is known for, among other things, personally boiling political dissidents to death. And personally supervising the Andijon Massacre, where hundreds of mostly peaceful demonstrators were gunned down by the security forces for one of the most repressive regimes in the world.

With friends like that, do you want this woman to be our next president?


  • Ted, you might be just a little “over the top” here! Serving as Secretary of State and meeting with such people in the performance of her duties does not make them “friends”!

    Notice my avatar? I’ve met with President Bill Clinton; but that doesn’t equate to my having received a blow-job from Monica Lewinsky, does it? (Don’t I wish!) 😀

    • I’ll accept that proposition when I see Hillary’s photo with, Hassan Rouhani, the new president of Iran.

    • I agree with you, but it’s not a question of being friends with the president of Uzbekistan. The United States really shouldn’t have diplomatic relations with him. Meanwhile, Iran can’t get their phone calls returned. Something is wrong here.

      • I’m just trying to keep things in proper perspective.
        I do like to keep an open mind – unfortunately, my brain keeps falling out!

  • Actually I have more concern that the former secretary of state has “met” with WJ Clinton many times and most likely would, as president, carry on his reich-wing legacy:

    1) Defense of Marriage Act – unconstitutional
    2) DADT – dumped
    3) Telecom Deregulation Act of 1996, aka “Rupert Murdoch Enabling Act”
    4) NAFTA
    5) GATT-WTO
    6) “end of welfare as we know it”
    7) repeal of Glass-Steagall Act
    8) Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000: legalization of OTC derivatives, with #8, the impetus for current Depression 2.0
    9) Extension of and presiding over Pappy Bush’s war crime of Desert Storm “economic sanctions” that were collective punishment of Iraqis and, as easily predicted for such sanctions, were merely a strategy to “soften up” a target country in preparation for (another) war — not to mention having killed 1 million Iraqi’s, half of them children (see Madeleine Albright’s famous “it was worth it” quote.)
    10) destruction of Yugoslavia for having the nerve NOT to chirp “how wide, massa” when ordered by the global predatory capitalists to spread the national economic ass cheeks.

    These last two were Clinton’s actual impeachable acts.

    • PS:

      I forgot: Kissing the collective ass of, and thereby “emboldening,” the then incipient domestic terrorist wing of the GOP.

    • Great summation of a career in crime, falco.

      This one is worth printing out and keeping in my pocket for reference.

  • alex_the_tired
    November 16, 2013 6:10 PM

    The problem I have with the photo is that HC knows who this guy is. This isn’t some “supporter” from Santa Monica who helped stuff envelopes, one of hundreds of people a month that she has to press the flesh with.

    • I would point out that she met with him while performing her duties as Secretary of State. It isn’t that they are “friends”; sometimes diplomacy requires that government officials meet with “enemies” in order to better relations between the two countries and improve upon the world picture.

      • alex_the_tired
        November 16, 2013 9:31 PM

        I take your point. But I keep thinking that there are probably world leaders that want to meet HIllary, probably to tell her about something the U.S. is doing that screws them over, and gosh darn, her schedule is just booked solid!

        I understand the concept of diplomacy, protocol and all that. But expressing disapproval is part of that too. Let the homicidal boil-my-victims-alive maniacs deal with the undersecretary.

      • What can I say? John Kerry set up the opportunity to meet with Iranian officials for the first time in…. how many years? “It’s a small world, after all.”

  • alex_the_tired
    November 19, 2013 1:36 AM


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  • When the Arab Spring led to anti-Ghadafi demonstration in Benghazi, Ghadafi gave his famous ‘Dar, dar, beit, beit, zenga zenga’ diatribe, the UN said a US-led coalition could provide no-fly zone to the residents in Benghazi.

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