The Final Countdown – 6/14/23 – Trump Indicted on 37 Federal Charges in Unprecedented Case

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss breaking news, including the latest out of Trump’s indictment. 
Robert Patillo: Attorney, Executive Director of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition 
Tyler Nixon: Army Infantry Veteran, Counselor-at-Law
Nebojsa Malic: Serbian-American journalist
Todd “Bubba” Horowitz: Chief market strategist of
The show kicks off with a panel of attorney and Executive Director of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Robert Patillo and Army Infantry Veteran and Counselor-at-Law Tyler Nixon to discuss the latest out of the Trump indictment.
In the first half of the final hour, the hosts spoke to Nebojsa Malic, a Serbian-American journalist to talk about the latest out of Ukraine. 
The show wraps up with Chief Market Strategist of Todd “Bubba” Horowitz to discuss the California housing market and Governor Gavin Newsome’s comments on the homelessness crisis.  

The Final Countdown – 6/13/23 – Biden Prepares to Kickoff Reelection Campaign Amid Trump Indictment

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss hot topics, including the Biden campaign. 
Ted Harvey: Former Colorado State Senator, Chairman of 
Robert Patillo: Executive Director of Rainbow PUSH Coalition 
Steve Gill: Attorney and CEO of Gill Media 
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst
Sean Stone: Actor, filmmaker, TV host 
The show kicks off with Former Colorado State Senator Ted Harvey to discuss Biden’s imminent presidential campaign. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to a panel, consisting of Executive Director of Rainbow PUSH Coalition Robert Patillo, and Attorney and CEO of Gill Media Steve Gill to talk about the latest out of the Trump indictment. 
The final hour kicks off with International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda to discuss the latest out of Ukraine’s counteroffensive. 
The show wraps up with Sean Stone, actor, filmmaker, and TV host to discuss the new leadership of the Soros empire. 

The Final Countdown – 6/9/23 – Trump Indicted…AGAIN!

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discussed breaking news, including the latest Trump indictment. 
Mark Frost: Economist, professor, consultant
Scott Stantis: Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst
Rory Riley Topping: Attorney, broadcaster, former Congressional staffer 
The show begins with Economist Mark Frost discussing S&P getting out of hibernation and entering the bull market. 

In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to Scott Stantis, Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune, about SCOTUS striking down gerrymandering in Alabama. 

In the first part of the final hour, The Final Countdown was joined by International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda to discuss the latest out of Ukraine’s counteroffensive strategy. 
In the last part of the final hour, Rory Riley Topping spoke to The Final Countdown team about Trump’s latest indictment. 


Name the Kook

Two parties, two frontrunners, one a president, the other one a former president. Both at the same exact place in primary polls. Both face challengers. But only one gets taken seriously. Could the reason be media spin?

Just Ask President Hillary

All the “very serious people” are saying that there’s no way Donald Trump can be elected president next year, despite polls, showing that he is in a commanding lead for the GOP nomination, and also ahead of President Biden. Where have we seen this before?

DMZ America Podcast #94 (Audio or Video): Is TikTok a Threat? France is Burning! The Non-Arrest of Donald J. Trump

Editorial cartoonists Ted Rall (Left) and Scott Stantis (Right) debate breaking news across the nation on a busy week.

Congress grilled the CEO of the Chinese-owned social-media app TikTok, reminding Ted of the PMRC hearings of the 1980s, another moment when Congress worked hard to appear anti-fun and out of touch. Scott calls China a “threat”; Ted prefers to see them as a “challenge.” What do we have to fear from TikTok, other than becoming even stupider?

France is burning in the wake of President Emmanuel Macron’s sop to the neo-liberal class: raising the national retirement age from 62 to 64. Scott asks Ted, a French citizen, why younger Frenchmen are demonstrating in solidarity with older people they have to support in old age? Ted addresses the fact that pension reform might have been greeted differently from a different, more populist president.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg didn’t file charges against Donald Trump last week, but next week might be different. Scott and Ted agree that an arrest will empower the former president. Ted takes a victory lap on calling for Trump wanting a perp walk last week. Scott deplores liberal gloating because it feeds into Trump’s narrative.


Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 94 Sec 1: Is TikTok a Threat?

DMZ America Podcast Ep 94 Sec 2: France is Burning!

DMZ America Podcast Ep 94 Sec 3: The Non-Arrest of Donald J. Trump

Ron DeSantis’ Weird Campaign Bid

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is considered the most formidable challenger to Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination. But he’s extremely unpleasant. How does he scale beyond Florida in elections where personality really count?

Top Secret: Operation Distraction Is Go!

Both Presidents Trump and Biden are under fire and under special counsel investigation for taking classified documents with them from the White House. National security was probably never in critical danger. But the distraction factor could be fatal to the national conversations we ought to be having instead.

Only Biden Can Stop This Political Dumpster Fire Redux


          Grover Cleveland beat Benjamin Harrison in 1884. The same men faced off in 1888, with the opposite result. A second rematch took place in 1892, and Cleveland was restored. If you died in 1892, you didn’t miss a thing during your first four years of death.

What could be drearier or more indicative of calcified politics, save for four consecutive terms of FDR?

            Since Joe Biden’s milquetoast Democratism basically make him Hillary Clinton not-in-a-pantsuit, we now face the dreadful possibility of a third Trump run and a second Biden run that feels like his third. This could be a presidential campaign between two eldercoots we would have been better off never having seen run for, much less achieve, control of the executive branch in the first place. And it could happen all over again.

A Trump v. Biden rematch, of course, is the exact opposite of what we want.

            Two years from now, on Election Day 2024, Donald Trump will be 78 and Joe Biden will be nearly 82. Nancy Pelosi will be 84. There’s nothing wrong with old age per se — wisdom, experience, blah blah blah — but Biden, 78 at the time, didn’t have the energy to run a full-fledged campaign last time. What is he going to do when he’s 82, campaign from someplace even more convenient than the basement of his house? Will he Zoom in from bed?

A nation with this many octogenarians at its helm feels more like the Soviet Union during the bitter-end pre-collapse 1980s (Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko all died in short order) or Zimbabwe at its most wildly dysfunctional at the conclusion of Robert Mugabe’s endless reign. A country doesn’t have to be governed by Millennials to be vibrant or successful. Too many young people in charge can lead to disaster — look at Twitter before Musk swept in. Still, a repeat contest between two incredibly old white guys is algorithmically engineered to generate a tsunami of apathy.

            Nobody needs this retread. Well, Trump needs it; he thinks prosecutors will be reluctant to indict him for one of the myriad of crimes he has committed now that is a declared candidate for president, and he is right. But two-thirds of the voters, to the extent that they matter anymore, don’t want Trump to run again. Here, finally, we find bipartisan common ground: two-thirds of Americans also don’t want Joe Biden to run again!

True, they are different two-thirdses. But there’s overlap. Millions of Americans sing in perfect harmony that they want something or someone or two someones different. That has to count for something — even if it will take a week or two to tally in Arizona. A nation cries as one: Don’t run, baby, don’t run!

            Like all politicians, Joe Biden says a lot of things that aren’t true. Unlike things that people actually want, like abortion rights and student loan forgiveness that he lies about, Biden is almost certainly lying when he says he’s running again. And most Americans believe and hope that he’s lying about that.

            But he may be telling the truth.


            Democrats lost the midterms. But they beat the point spread. So they’re declaring victory. Even as Biden goes from a Democratic House and Senate to a Republican House and Democratic Senate, he is upgrading his report card like a kid using a pencil to change a D to a B. After such a magnificent pyrrhic victory, maybe he really should run again! The New York Times and at least part of the White House staff seems to think his “victory” has earned him another shot at the White House. “[Biden] regularly notes that he is the only person who has ever defeated Mr. Trump, implying that he would have the best chance of doing it again,” the newspaper reports.

            I don’t see the logic. Then, neither does Biden.

            The United States has a pretty lame voter participation rate. In a country where it is already hard to convince people that they should care about politics and engage in the electoral system, nothing could be less exciting than recreating the 2020 presidential election—a race that only became exciting after Trump lost and tried to overthrow the government.

Which he did lamely. A younger despot’s putsch would have had more oomph.

But, as referenced above, Trump will stay in, do or die. He must, to stay out of prison. Perhaps Ron DeSantis or some other evil Republican will win the nomination instead. But right now, it’s Trump’s to lose.

            Biden, therefore, is the only human who can spare us from the horror of a 2020 replay. If he really loves America, if he cares about the American people, he will do the right thing and refrain from running again.

            Thus clearing the field for Hillary.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)
