The international community seems generally fine with the destruction and death raining down on the Gaza Strip. Their main concern is that the carnage not spread to other places.
DMZ America Podcast #125: Is “From the River to the Sea” Genocidal? Mike Johnson Flirts with Adulting
Political Cartoonists Ted Rall (from the Left) and Scott Stantis (from the Right) discuss the hot news and current events of the week on the DMZ America podcast. On DMZ, you’ll hear two best friends who happen to come from opposite sides of American politics. Ted and Scott disagree, passionately, but they’re always calm, civilized and respectful. DMZ is a no-yelling zone!
First up this week: Ted and Scott debate the phrase “From the River to Sea” in the context of the heated debate over Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza. Is it genocidal or a kumbaya dream? Does Israel have a “right to exist”? Is Hamas exaggerating or underplaying the death count? Who will govern post-Hamas Gaza? Is Israel planning to annex some or all of Gaza? You won’t want to miss this smart take on the Middle East crisis.
Second up this week: Ted and Scott reflect on House Speaker Mike Johnson’s attempt to avoid a government shutdown by—gasp!—working with Democrats. Will acting like adults get Republicans credit? Is it even possible? Can a shutdown be avoided? Will Johnson go the way of Kevin McCarthy and have his gavel taken away too?
Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:
DMZ America Podcast Ep 125 Sec 1: Is “From the River to the Sea” Genocidal?
DMZPodcast Ep 125 Sec 2: Mike Johnson Flirts with Adulting
The Final Countdown – 11/15/23 – Biden-Xi Talks Take Center Stage at APEC
On this episode of the Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discussed a wide range of topics, including the meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The Final Countdown – 11/13/23 – Mike Johnson Attempts to Avert Government Shutdown
The Final Countdown – 11/11/23 – Google Paid $26 Billion to Become Your Phone’s Main Search Engine
On this episode of Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discussed a multitude of topics from around the world, including a new revelation about Google’s attempt to maintain its hold over the search engine industry.
Bibi Honey Poo and Biden, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
The Biden Administration claims that there’s more to the president’s full-throated support of Israel than a blank check. They say that, privately and behind the scenes, he’s quietly pressuring Israel to minimize civilian casualties among Palestinians and that his public posture ensures that Israel will listen. Given that Israel kills 40 times more Palestinians than the reverse, it’s hard to imagine how much worse Israel could behave without Biden’s “behind the scenes” efforts.
Let’s Bond Over Dehumanization
Israel and its supporters blithely state, as if it were plainly obvious, that the only side Hamas in particular and Palestinians writ large will respond to is naked force, i.e., violence. The irony they miss is that their war against Gaza is a response to Hamas’ terrorist attack of October 7th. You can be sure that, when Hamas’ leadership hatched their plans for that attack, they also believed that Israel would never respond to anything other than brute force. Dehumanization is not the kind of common ground needed in the Middle East or anywhere else.
The Final Countdown – 11/6/23 – Conflict Intensifies between Israel and Hezbollah Along Lebanese-Israeli Border
Esteban Carrillo – Ecuadorean journalist, Editor for The Cradle