Under Capitalism, Expensive Equipment is Always, Unlike People, Innocent Until Proven Guilty

After a Lion Air Boeing 737 Max 8 plane crashed in Indonesia, it turned out that the accident was probably caused by the failure to train pilots in a new automated piloting protocol. But rather than ground the planes immediately, American officials waited. Then another Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed, probably for the same reason, this time in Ethiopia. Again, the U.S. waited, becoming one of the last countries to deny the planes permission to fly. Why didn’t we put safety first? Because profits matter more than people.

In 2020 Will Socialist Be A Smear? Or a Compliment?

Donald Trump pointed to a 2020 Republican talking point in his State of the Union Address when he said America would never become a socialist country. Most of the major presidential contenders adhere to “democratic socialist” Bernie Sanders’ principal platform promises so, no matter who wins the Democratic nomination, you know the GOP will wallow in McCarthyism.

Ilhan Omar’s Tormentors Are Proving Her Point

New Congressman Ilhan Omar is catching flak from establishment pro-Israel Democrats over remarks that pointed out that Israel’s lobbying prowess in Washington is formidable. The ironic part is, those saying Israel doesn’t have that much power are proving that it does by trying to crush her.

Need Extra Cash? Blackmail Donald Trump. He’ll Pay.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen dished on the president in testimony before Congress. There were many tasty revelations, like the one that Trump didn’t want his college transcripts released. Personally I went for the useful one: if you’re ever short of cash you can blackmail the billionaire even for the sins he hasn’t committed. A most interesting form of economic stimulus.
