We used to fight for great things. Noble things. Now look at us. What Democrats want these days is a look at Trump’s tax returns and the unredacted version of the Robert Mueller Report. Not that there’s anything wrong with trying to get those documents. Transparency is important. But they’re hardly talking about the great issues of our time like poverty, the retirement crisis or ecocide.
The American Left Moves on from One Great Struggle to Another
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Or the fact that both the so-called major parties are war parties, leading the US – and thus the world – down the primrose path to WW III….
Americans are spectators.
They’d rather cheer on their favorite team, knowing full well (if they could think about it without falling into a psychological depression) that the objects of their worship really don’t care about them.
Why should either party actually do anything to get the votes of the people when it’s so much easier to spend their funders’ money demonizing each other, all the while carefully avoiding doing anything that would affect the flow of money from the people who really matter to them (monetarily)?
It’s easier for the two mutually indispensable enemies to LOOK good to the electorate than to BE good to the electorate.
George W. Bush dismissed anti-war public opinion in the streets as a focus group not worthy of his attention, and as he put it, continued to “catapult the propaganda”.
Obama thanked his marketing people after his election, and his campaign received an Advertising Age award.
Forty-five percent of the electorate believes each the two parties are as worthless as they each accuse each other of being, while each party tries to get 27.5% + 1 of the remaining electorate, hoping the Electoral College will award their candidate the presidency.
And the people feel they are winners when their candidate wins and they get nothing but excuses for broken campaign promises.
What do the people have to do to be recognized as a force to be contended with?
My biggest complain (well, one of them) is that identity politics, centrism, “compromise,” and Clintonian cynicism — that cynicism coupled to a coarse and voracious greed for wealth and power as ends to themselves — have led to a gradual erosion of so much of what we, as citizens, had as entitlements back in the 1950s (free/cheap college, affordable housing, job security, etc., etc.).
Now, we’re so used to life being one shit sandwich after another that we simply cannot comprehend how much of a screwing over we’ve received. And right now, the democratic party’s goons, bought and paid for by their owners and masters, are trying like hell to con us all into joining them in the tall weeds so that, absolutely, totally, nothing bad will happen to us or be done to us as we shriek for help that will not come.
Evidence? The dnc and MSM and 538 and all the others with their rigged polls and opinion pieces masquerading as facts are trying to shove Biden down our throats. The guy who makes Walter Mondale look like a sex symbol. How much more obvious does it have to be?