Haiti Is in Big Trouble. Are We Going to Help?

It’s understandable that American policymakers would be reluctant to intervene militarily in Haiti given the dismal history of the United States making bad situations worse there. But the country is effectively a failed state and starvation is rampant. Certainly what’s going on there is far more relevant and important to the United States than what is happening in Ukraine. The US should help put together an international force to provide food and medical assistant to the population.

How a Bill Becomes a Law, 2023

Divided government and wild dysfunction has completely decimated the traditional idea of how the United States government is supposed to pass and enact legislation. Look for nothing of value to get through Congress or, for that matter, from the President’s desk.

Two Bad Options, One Obvious Choice

Historically, unemployment tends to go up under Republicans and down under Democrats. Meanwhile, Democrats like Jimmy Carter and of course the current president have suffered from inflation. But what would you rather have? A paycheck shrinking from inflation? Or no paycheck at all?

Us Dictatorships Have To Stick Together

Supporters of Ukraine keep saying that it’s a democracy. But it’s not. President Zelensky has banned rival political parties and shut down all media outlets except for official state media that supports him. On the other hand, the United States doesn’t really have much democracy to brag about either.

Denying Reality Is Bipartisan

Democrats complain that Republicans don’t live in the reality based world on issues like climate science, vaccines and economics. But they engage a lot in magical thinking as well. In the run up to the 2022 midterm elections in particular, the dream of things that they have to know will and can never happen.

Biden Writes a Check He Will Never Have To Cash

President Biden has been running around saying that, if Democrats make sizable gains in the midterm elections, they would codify abortion rights at the federal level. Of course, this is a promise that he will never have to keep because the precondition is not going to happen.

Fight for Your Democratic Right to Be Ignored

Much of the Democratic campaign for the 2022 midterm elections centers around efforts by Republicans to suppress Democratic votes. If you love what the Democratic Party stands for, it’s an outrage. Not so much if you don’t.

The Difference between Doing Nothing and Barely Anything

Like many of his initiatives, President Biden’s action on high gas prices is almost 100% symbolic. It will have no significant impact at the pump. You could argue that it’s better than doing nothing, but arithmetic says something else.

Lies Begin at Political Conception

Which Joe Biden should voters believe? The one who, for many years, was a pro-lifer who was so extreme that he voted against federal funding for abortions even in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother? Or the current one who says he would codify Roe v. Wade if he got the chance — which, of course, Obama chose not to do while Biden was vice president.

On This One Thing We Can Agree

After months of denial and censorship, main stream media is finally admitting that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a real thing. But will it really matter?
