Change We Need

Obama and the Democrats have achieved a sweeping victory. Now it’s time for them to dismantle Bush’s gulag archipelago of torture. Not after forming a committee to look into it. Not after we’ve found the best way to do it. Immediately.

Gloating Must Be A Republican Thing

It would only be fair, after all the disgusting insults progressives have received from right-wingers over the last eight years, to gloat. But it’s so boring!


Deep down, John McCain has got to be feeling relieved to have lost. He gets to go back to the Senate and relax. Obama is screwed, having inherited a country in a state of collapse.

First, Assess Blame

As everyone argues about who’s to blame for the mess, the economy continues to implode. I know, I know–this isn’t a party-line take. To which I say, I’m not a party-line guy.

Fix the thing first. Jail CEOs second.

Humans Against People

McCain must have amazing powers of persuasion to convince crowds of poor people to cheer his call for him, as a multimillionaire, to pay fewer taxes at their expense.

Losers Like Me

As you’ve no doubt heard, “Joe the Plumber” turns out to be yet another Republican fraud–not a plumber, not named Joe, doesn’t even pay taxes. I’ve long been fascinated by poor conservatives who don’t want rich people to be taxed in case they someday become rich themselves–even though their politics will prevent them from ever becoming rich themselves.
