Unconditional Begging

I’m confused. First the banks and other companies requesting government bailouts claimed they would go under if they didn’t get them. Now they’re offering to return the money because the conditions are too onerous. So they didn’t really need the money in the first place, right? Or am I missing something?

When We’ll Take the Environment Seriously

The arctic melts. The gulf stream stutters. Average temperatures rise. Species go extinct. Yet no one takes the destruction of the environment seriously. What would it take for that to change?

How America Was Saved

Americans aren’t cut out for austerity. And there, ladies and gentlemen, lies our greatest hope for economic recovery.

TARP: Because It’s Payback Time

Bankers that received federal bailouts are complaining that the government is changing the terms and conditions of their loans after the fact. Sounds familiar.

Teen Unemployment Panic

Teen unemployment is 21%. But why do we care? Kids shouldn’t work anyway. It adds to adult unemployment and reduces their attention to their schooling, which should be their top priority.

An Insurgency is Born

If Bush had sent 50,000 troops to invade Nigeria, no one would have doubted it was a full-fledged war. Obama is leaving 50,000 troops in Iraq as a “residual force”—and nobody cares.

Get a Job!

The collapse of the New Economy leads to a reversal of the old conservative report to the downtrodden.

Heroes of the Afghan War

As Obama revs up his Afghan surge, let us all take a moment to salute the true heroes who have been fighting the war since 2001.

Not for Long

Obama’s economic stimulus plan calls for higher taxes on people who earn over $250K after 2011. Will anyone earn that much by then?
