You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

It’s true: U.S. puppet Afghan president Hamid Karzai has signed into law a bill that requires Afghan women to have sex with their husbands at least every four days, except when they’re menstruating or sick. The Taliban were progressive by comparison–they stoned rapists to death.

Same Old, Feels Great

Obama is amazing. First he gets credit for closing Gitmo—even though he leaves it open for a year and is moving the inmates to Bagram. Then he refuses to prosecute torturers. Now he’s retaining Bush’s kangaroo court system at Gitmo. When are “liberals” going to realize that our first black president is just another fascist?

Cartoon for May 7, 2009

Arlen Specter’s defection to the Democrats has prompted Republicans to start downplaying (but not changing) their unpopular positions on abortion, gay marriage, and other social issues.

Randy’s Makeover

The Republican Party, licking its wounds from the results of the last election, argues whether to deemphasize its stances on social issues like abortion and gay marriage, which have proven unpopular with voters. Should it abandon those positions, or lie about them?

A Terrible Reckoning

Torturers are warned that they may face a tender accounting for Bush Administration war crimes.

Rise of the Replirati

Inspired by the somewhat inside-baseball debate between media types who argue that the “information wants to be free” mantra of the digirati and the traditional print people who wonder about boring stuff like how they’ll pay their bills.

Nothing to See

Blogger appears to be back on track.

Obama continues to protect the torturers and block investigations. I am done with him.

Goldilocks the Torturer

Blogger has been acting tweaky lately. It took me 48 hours to get this cartoon to load. My apologies for the delay; wish me luck getting the next ones up there.

What’s New?

When everyone’s losing everything, those who manage to hold on to what they have look lucky.
