Safety is no Accident

It occurred to me that the “opt out” option could leave us with a strange patchwork of healthcare zones.

Putting America to Work

This cartoon was inspired by seeing one of these signs in San Francisco–at the site of a standard roadside maintenance/pothole patching project.

X-Treme Democratization

Karzai is stubborn, but even he can made to see reason in accepting a run-off election against Abdullah Abdullah Boutros Boutros Ghali.

Nobel Bomb

Obama wins the Nobel. Tell the Afghans about Obama’s role as a peacemaker…or tell the Pakistanis…or anyone who reads a paper.

Death Cult

It’s hard to say exactly what inspired this cartoon. It’s nothing in recent news, but rather my long-term observation that the U.S. government goes to extreme lengths to retrieve body parts. Examples include the 9/11 recovery effort and the decades-long campaign to get back body parts from U.S. servicemen who perished in Vietnam during the 1960s. Wouldn’t it make more sense to care about Americans while they’re alive?

Gitmo High School

Strange, but true: The Obama Administration is refusing to release many Guantanamo detainees they know are innocent because they may be embittered due to their long, unjustified imprisonment by the United States.
