A Lesson Is Learned

We seriously need to retire words like “hero” and phrases like “my heart goes out to _____.” The Fort Hood victims were that–victims. We’ve devalued the word “hero” to the point that it is now meaningless.

This week’s cartoon was inspired by watching the unbearably cheesy pep rally masquerading as a memorial service at Fort Hood yesterday.

The Obamabot

Sharp-eyed readers will recall that I did a similar cartoon about Bush.

Fat and Safe

After I drew this, I saw that the number had been increased to 75%.

Busy, Busy, Dither, Dither

This one was inspired by a ridiculous list of lame Obama “accomplishments” posted by one of the anonymous trolls on the . Thanks, troll!

The Lawyer

Now it’s obvious, even to Obama’s Kool-Aid drinkers: he has no intention–probably never did–of attempting to deliver on any of his significant–forget major–campaign pledges. Utterly, totally worthless.

Can we recall him?
