Doomsday for a Well-Rested Man

According to some, the Mayan calendar predicts that the world will end at 6:11 am Washington DC time on December 21, 2012. Fortunately for Obama, he’ll face the apocalypse as a singularly well-rested president.

Split Decision

The U.S. formally recognizes the Free Syrian Army, while declaring the Al-Nusra Front a terrorist group.

Diversify Your Criminality

An expensive luxury during a recession, states scaled back the war on drugs. Now that recovery has begun, look for more prisons and longer sentences to fill them.

Chained CPI

Democrats and Republicans both want to reduce the deficit using an accounting gimmick called “Chained CPI.” Under the Chained Consumer Price Index, increases in prices of products are ignored. Instead, it is assumed that consumers downgrade their purchases to cheaper products when prices for those they currently buy increase to the point that they can no longer afford them. Then the government uses these phony calculations to justify smaller cost of living increases to recipients of Social Security and other beneficiaries of programs indexed to inflation.

At Least We’re Consistent

No matter who is in charge in Egypt and other countries, when there’s a conflict between a tyrant and a popular uprising, the United States invariably takes the wrong side, supporting dictators and those with dictatorial policies over the aspirations of people longing to be free.

At This Rate

The 113th Congress will have 20 female Senators, the most in U.S. history. At this rate, we’ll have 50 by the year 2366. And this is progress?

So is Arsenic

The food industry spent $45 million to defeat California’ Proposition 37, which would have require “organic” labvaled foods to be labeled as GMO, or genetically modified, if they were.

Indiscriminate Criticism

During its recent exchange of missiles with Hamas in Gaza, Israel’s military criticized Hamas for using low-tech “dumb” missiles to “indiscriminately” bomb Israelis. Certainly Hamas would probably prefer to use Israeli’s high-tech US-supplied helicopter gunships to target high-ranking Israeli officials.

The Genius of Science Denial

Denying science isn’t dumb. It’s a brilliant strategy for governing the country! Consider the possibilities that open up when you refuse to live within the constraints of time and space.
