What’s Better? A Right-Wing Congresswoman or a Left-Wing Congressman?

More than 500 women are running for Congress! That’s big news demographically. But will the victorious women really change the system? History suggests no. From awful female leaders like Margaret Thatcher and Indira Ghandi and Hillary Clinton to the historical precedent of groundbreaking black leaders like Charles Rangel and Barack Obama, it’s clear that identitarianism serves the system as a distraction from its essential nature. Policy matters. Symbolism, not so much. What we need are leftist Congressmen and Congresswomen, not just Congresswomen.

In America, Only a Madman Tries to Make Peace

It took Richard Nixon to go to China and to start the Environmental Protection Agency. Now it seems that it’s going to take another right-wing president, Donald Trump, to come to terms with North Korea over its nuclear missile program. It’s tempting for Democrats to mock everything Donald Trump does, but let’s face it, this is exactly the kind of dealmaking America needs if it works out.

The Plot To Fatten America Into Submission

The U.S. armed forces have a major recruiting problem: 71% of adults age 18 to 24 in are too overweight to qualify for service. Experts believe there won’t be enough soldiers by the year 2020 as a result.

Another Reason Your Cellphone Service Sucks

Two phone companies are working to bring 4G cell phone service to The Moon. What about all the parts of the United States, including within major cities like Los Angeles, that don’t have decent reception? Not as sexy as a frozen lifeless rock.

Japan Is Building Conversation Robots for the Elderly. What Would Robots for Old Americans Look Like?

Confronted with an aging population, Japanese robotics developers are working on conversational human companions for the elderly. Some are extremely realistic and the technology is very promising. On the other hand, in the United States, there seems to be little interest in such projects. Instead, artificial intelligence and robotics are mostly being dedicated to replacing manual laborers and service workers. It probably won’t happen, buy what if America took a cue from the Japanese, who are far more forward looking?

No Country Has Interefered with Other Countries’ Elections More Than the US. Why Should Anyone Listen to Our Complaints About Russia?

There still isn’t any convincing evidence that Russia “hacked” the US election in 2016. But there were clearly bots that were programmed somewhere in Russia. It might not be perfect behavior, but it’s more than a little galling to hear the US, which has overthrown countless governments using coups and regime change via brute military force, complain about a foreign country interfering and meddling with its sovereign political situation.

For $2500 You Could Now Murder Anyone You Want Using a Remote Drone

A company called Skydio Is marketing a $2500 consumer autonomous drone that can track the face of someone who has had their image uploaded to the Internet. Given the fact that in 2015 a father and son in Connecticut mounted a pistol to a drone and shot it remotely into the woods, this seems like cause for concern. However, we live in a society where technological progress is a given and the idea of regulation is anathema. So we will just sit back, and I would say enjoy the ride, but this is more like hunkering down while the future goes by. Adding to the frighteningly freaky aspect of this particular invention is the fact that it doesn’t need to be piloted. It’s all automatic.

Which Side Are You On? You Must Choose Trump or the FBI

You know it’s a wild crazy world when liberal Democrats find themselves in the position of having to defend the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies that spy on Americans and violate their rights simply because those agencies have bureaucratic disagreements with President Donald Trump. That’s exactly the position that we are in now. So the question is, when are people going to realize that we can break out of this binary crap and just simply say that we don’t like anyone involved?
