Why There Is Nothing Anyone Can Do About School Shootings

There’s been another mass school shooting, this time in Texas. The question is, will politicians even bother with the usual pledge for action? Yes, if Donald Trump is any indication. But we know that real action would require radical change beginning with the repeal of the Second Amendment. Obviously that’s not going to happen. What is going to happen is more school shootings. And workplace shootings. And mall shootings. And on and on and on.

There Are So Many Worse Words Than Mofo

Director Spike Lee, speaking at Cannes, denounced Donald Trump as a “motherfucker” because he failed to denounce the Nazis in Charlottesville who murdered a peaceful protestor. Considering that Trump has done even worse things, one wonders what Lee would say about those crimes against racial justice.

John McCain, pre-RIP

After a Trump Administration official joked that Senator John McCain, who is dying of cancer, didn’t matter politically anymore because he’s dying, media and politicians said the remark was inexcusable. (Never mind that it’s the kind of thing everyone says privately.) As we prepare for the inevitable lionizing of McCain after he dies, it’s worth remembering those he killed.

For Gina Haspel, a Glass of Water is Always Full

When the political climate was right, after the 9/11 attacks, CIA executive Gina Haspel gleefully supervised the torture of detainees who still remain uncharged by any court with any crime. Now she’s Trump’s nominee for CIA director. The climate is less pro-torture, so she’s telling Congressional interrogators not that she won’t torture, but that she thinks the CIA shouldn’t interrogate suspects. Which is not even close to the same thing.

As I Clearly Said About Stormy Daniels

Donald Trump has repeatedly denied knowing about the $130,000 payout to his alleged former mistress, the pornographic actress Stormy Daniels. However, he’s new lawyer former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani went on Fox News last night in order to say that, in fact, Donald Trump paid back his lawyer Michael Cohen for the payout of hush money. Now the Trump administration is facing criminal charges. At a certain point, you have to ask, what are these guys thinking?

Our Exclusive Breaking Story Wasn’t

NBC News reported with great fanfare their exclusive story that Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was wiretapped by the feds. As it turns out, he wasn’t. But that didn’t lead them to walk back all their breathless analysis.

They Say It’s Too Easy To Sue, But Nothing Could Be Further From the Truth

I sued the Los Angeles Times in 2016. They know that they will probably lose if my case ever makes it to trial so they have been using every trick in the legal playbook to delay and dodge justice. If I’m lucky, I will get a trial four years after I filed (five years after the events involved). Yet proponent of tort reform continue to insist that it’s too easy to sue in the United States.
