White House staff secretary Rob Porter was forced to step down after it turned out that high-ranking White House officials failed to make sure that he passed his security check even though he handled highly classified information for the present. Although there were a variety of changing narratives coming out of official spokespeople, it now seems clear that they knew that he stood credibly accused of domestic violence against his former wife, yet decided to keep him on board anyway
In Which the Democratic Party Sucks Up to the FBI of all People
Democrats are defending the FBI against Trump’s attacks because they’re attacking Trump. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. But they’re also reflecting just how far to the right the fifty-yard line of American politics has shifted over the years. Given their roots being run by the evil J. Edgar Hoover, who could have imagined Democrats running interference for the FBI?
When the Job Market Shifts, Always Remember That It’s All Your Fault
New York City livery driver Doug Schifter is the latest of traditional taxi and black-car drivers to commit suicide because the disruption caused by Uber and Lyft have driven down prices and increased competition to the point that it’s impossible to make a decent living despite working terribly long hours. I was amazed at the lack of compassion for people like him who find themselves displaced by the whims of capitalism.
No One Is Ever Good Enough For Mr. Persnickety
I am frequently criticized of being too idealistic and to judgemental when it comes to Democrats. They’re just human beings! They’re doing their best. Why am I so hard on them? But the criticisms that I wage hardly seem like too much to ask. For example, don’t destroy the entire countries like Libya and Syria. Don’t kill hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq. Don’t torture them at Guantánamo. Don’t give massive tax cuts to the wealthy. Don’t hang out with rich people or accept their contributions. This is too much to ask?
The Immigration Debate Made Simple
Although there is certainly a legitimate debate to be had over how much immigration is appropriate, anti-immigration conservatives are often recently disingenuous about the facts. For example, many of them believe that undocumented workers should leave the United States and apply for US residency and citizenship from their home countries. The problem is, for the vast majority of people overseas, there is no procedure whatsoever for them to do so. Similarly, the so-called “dreamers” (children who were brought here with their parents at a young age) don’t have anywhere to go back to because their relatives no longer live in their home countries.
Subcomandante El Schumer
Democrats are always known for their rather spectacular ability to sell out as well as their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. But even by those grim standards, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer’s decision to back off on shutting down the federal government reached a new level. Not only did the Democratic leader agreed to fund president Donald Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico, something that seems really strange considering the fact that the president repeatedly promised that Mexico would pay for it, but Schumer offered $7 billion more than the president even asked.
The Art of the Heel
Although very few people still believe that Donald Trump is a master negotiator, he looked even more stupid than usual when the news broke that in June 2017 he attempted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller. Apparently his White House attorney talked him out of it, which I guess is a good thing, but now he has the worst of both worlds. He gets blamed for firing Mueller without actually being rid of Mueller. Not to mention, Mueller knows what he was up to. Not good.