Hannity & Colmes

For those who are interested, I’ll be discussing the Pat Tillman cartoon tonight on Fox News in the 9 o’clock hour, on the show “Hannity & Colmes.”

Also, thanks to the thousands of you who wrote to express your support and condemn the right-wing hatred. If the conservative base is represented by the reprehensible curs I heard from during the last few days, there’s hope for the future. The future, after all, belongs to those who can spell.

Hate Mail

My mail is mostly running pro right now, but I’d like to give the curious a peek at what typical correspondence from right-wing pro-war Republicans looks like: inarticulate, unable to speak English properly (and these are the folks who criticize immigrants!), violent, illogical. If we are defined by our enemies, I am proud to be disliked be the likes of these “Americans”:

From kmdg2@yahoo.com:

Sleep tight. I’m coming to kill you.

From matthew@intouchone.com:

Fuck you you anti American son of a bitch. Get the fuck out of my country now! Call me you bitch if you have the balls to withstand justified criticism for your less than respectful comments about Mr. Tilman. You suck and I hope crowds chase your liberal ass out of this country. Give me a number to call you you fucking pussy ass cunt.



PS: Fuck you and leave my country BITCH

From cmiele@bglco.com:

Making fun of a man who gave him life defending the freedoms you live under!

You fucking cocksucker!

Cameron S. Miele | Senior Associate


From brookshirelarry@hotmail.com:

Your a nim com poot and and idiot!

Larry Brookshire who served his county while you ran off to Canada or sit you fat ass behind a desk!

Larry Brookshire

From erslo@comcast.net:

You are one fucked up piece of shit. I hope someone blows your head off, you filthy cocksucker.

Fortunately assholes like you don’t live long.


From jfeick@sc.rr.com:

Wow what dick, it is fine to say that you don?t agree with the president but to call a hero like Sgt Tillman an idiot that is just uncalled for. I am going to take a guess that you have never served in the military and that you don?t what it is like to be fired at. You are a piece of shit and Mr. O?Reily was right when you should be ashamed of what you did to Tillman. I hope you burn in hell.

From a cowardly remailer:

Ted has a small Penis. He plays with it all day long. Thats funny isnt it?

From rlm@havilandtelco.com:


From rancher@kans.com:

You sir are a left wing scallywag. How dare you insult an American hero like Tillman. I want to tell you something! I did not believe in the viet Nam war, but went anyway. Because it was the proper thing to do for me ,my parents, and you, you little fuck!!!! You have had a very good life I under stand! So how about start paying those people back that you so disagree with. Perhaps they know the truth, that there are factions who want to blow away your life as you know it… Please think!

If you wish to reply my name is: Carroll Jungel see E-address above

From brianroou@i-mnet.com:

Hey you punk, Rall, I’d love to see you make fun of Pat Tillman in front of

his Ranger buddies, or any military member for that matter. I’ll bet you

wouldn’t be able to pen another cartoon like that, you total leftie loser.

Brian Roou

From NY1962@webtv.net:

idiot. sap.

From DLFul0531@aol.com:

The Tillman piece was disgusting. Have you considered moving to another country? China might be nice.


From lburchf@adelphia.net:

You are an insensitive, f&%$#@ idiot who doesn’t deserve to live in the USA. You are someone who cowards behind your cartoons instead of standing up and supporting your country’s fallen………..whether or not you believe in the war, Pat Tillman died for you.

From jpresley@post.harvard.edu:

I hope the syndicate fires you.

From bhahn777@yahoo.com (note: I have never appeared on Chris Matthews’ show):

Ted Rall,

You are a fucking idiot. I saw you on Chris Mathews and you are a flaming Gay liberal communist. I do not care about your email guidelines.This is a threat. If you ever show your scawny GAY communist ass in San Jose, CA you won’t live to regret it. What you said about Pat Tillman is way past offensive. I worked in the same office as his father for several years and was very upset with his death. You, on the other hand think it is a joke that Pat Tillman or anyone of thousands of soldiers would put their life on the line to save your scrawny, GAY, communist ass from another terrorist attack. Pat Tillman was a hero and died a hero. However, you will die as a coward, liberal, GAY, communist. I doubt if any law enforcement officer in the USA would come to your defense if someone was cramming a Cadilac(made in the USA) up your ass. Like the New York fire fighter said at the 9/11 memorial concert. I live in San Jose, CA and if you know where to find me.

From mayj@ncr.disa.mil:

You are a LOSER! Ted Rall makes me sick! The same military that protects

your ass, he has the nerve to criticize! You need to move out of this

country! Leave! If you hate this country so much, move to Yemen! Your on

Pat Tillman was disgusting. Why don’t you take your panzie ass and join

the military?! You wouln’t last, you big baby! You have never served this

country in any capacity, have you? You are jerk. A simple liberal idiot!

You make me puke!

Ted, do us all a favor and LEAVE! Move to another country pal, and see how

you like it there. To never serve this country, and have the audacity to

criticize somebody who gave their life for this country is despicable!

You make me puke! I can I can tell you of another 1.5 million you make sick

in our armed forces!

Oh, and come on down to Ft Benning, Ft Bragg, Ft Carson, Camp Lejuene, or

any other military base, and write this article! Stand out in front of the

base and read it, you dickhead! We would love to kick your spindly ass!

It is losers like you that need to move to another country, you idiot! You

hate our Government, but, you love the money you make writing stupid comic

articles that mean NOTHING! LOSER!

LTC Jeffrey May

From omelekie2@hotmail.com:

I recently saw your strip regarding Pat Tillman. I get that you are against

the war but do not degrade the name of a hero. You are an ASSHOLE!!!!!!!

From gmfalls@hagemeyerna.com:

A$$hole..how dare you critisize Pat Tillman..it’s people like him that give

you your right to spoof.

From Jsheridan5@aol.com:

Good thing those American War Criminals are on the front lines defending your right to be an obnoxious twit.

I do hope you meet a couple of Marines in a dark alley

From foxsb@verizon.net:

Fooled you….you are an arrogant Bastard desrespecting Tillman the way you did….but of course you probably didn’t have anyone die that you knew in the 9/11 attacks did you…I hope you get what is coming to you bastard

From marty@teamsavage.tv:

If I ever see you in person I will kick your ass.

Tell the authorities you spineless weasel.

Your arrogance is inversely proportionate

to your lack of intelligence

From bbmesq@earthlink.net:

Ted Rall – dead man walking . . . .

From rjohns9797@sbcglobal.net:

United States Attorney General John Ashcroft

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Re: Witness to Treason against the United States

Dear Mr. Attorney General:

I have witnessed an act of Treason against the United States of America as defined in the Constitution of the United States, Art. III, Section 3, which states “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

The meaning of Article III, Section 3 cannot be interpreted any other way except that Treason is clearly defined as:

1.) going to war against the United States


2.) giving aid and comfort to the enemies of

the United States.

To be convicted of treason, the accused must either

a.) confess to treason


b.) be accused of treason by two direct witnesses

of the act of treason.

The act of Treason which I, and millions of other Americans have witnessed was committed on 11 November 2003 by a United States citizen identified as Mr. Ted Rall, a native of the State of Massachusetts upon which United States citizenship was acquired by birthright.

On 11 November 2003, Mr. Rall committed an Act of Treason with the publication of statements clearly giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States and encouraging those enemies to take up arms against the military forces of the United States currently occupying the nation of Iraq. Mr. Rall’s Treason was aided and abetted by a business entity identified as Universal Press Syndicate…

Mr. Attorney General, I strongly urge you to seek an indictment charging the above parties with the crime of Treason, and to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. I further urge you to seek a court injunction to immediately prohibit further original publication of such articles by the parties above which are in violation of the United States Constitution Article III, Section 3.

I ask also that the individual identified as Mr. Ted Rall be immediately classified as a potential security risk with the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Transportation Security Administration and that he be subject to additional screening should he seek to travel upon any commercial aircraft within the confines of the United States.

Respectfully Submitted

From mreese@sdcoe.k12.ca.us:

Well, Ive always considered you a commie, now you have proved it.

Eat Shit traitor.

From dlowry@saanet.com:

You should be put in prison, one for not being willing to serve your country and then have the audacity to critize those who do.

You don’t belong in America. You have no idea of civility and when it is appropriate or how to be appropriate when expressing your views. You are a shame to this country.

David Lowry

From News6809@aol.com:

Rall you are the king of scum, I know if there is a hell you will def be there suffering like you made Pat tillmans family suffer. I hope you are No 1 when the next terrorist attack comes Have a Great day scumbag If I ever see you I will gladly spit in your face !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s Out Today!

My lovely author’s copies of my long-awaited book WAKE UP, YOU’RE LIBERAL: HOW WE CAN TAKE AMERICA BACK FROM THE RIGHT, arrived at Ted Rall HQ this very day. And what beautiful tomes they are, too–thick, nice print, great cover, definitely the best looking and most ambitious book I’ve done so far. At 336 pages of all prose, with an introduction by none other than George S. McGovern, no home should be without this attempt to fix what’s ailing the American left ideologically, tactically and otherwise!

More on Tillman

This post will be my last word on my cartoon about Pat Tillman. Having read more than 6,000 emails about it, a number of random thoughts cross my mind.

First and foremost, this country is in the throes of a militarism that is frightening. Militarism is an ideology that sees war not as a means to an end, but rather as a self-perpetuating purpose in and of itself. The excitement of the waving flags, the sense of common purpose, the thrill of risking lives–ours and our fellow citizens’–in a grand crusade to expand our nation’s influence, avenge some slight, whatever.

Even what passes for the “left” in this country insists that we “support our troops.” Why? Because during Vietnam, some veterans reported having been insulted as “baby killers.” These stories are largely fictional, but whatever–let’s take them at their word. What irony! Vietnam vets, many of whom were drafted, were insulted. Now our army is 100% volunteer–and we’re not allowed to point out that picking up a gun and shooting people they tell you to shoot is a choice.

Others on the left point out that poor people from rural areas with high unemployment see joining the military as a means of overcoming economic disadvantage. At a starting salary of $12,000, however, your average private would do better taking a job at McDonald’s, where the pay is the same and nobody’s shooting at you.

Obviously the lion’s share of the blame for our current atmosphere of warmongering based on lies must be placed on the disgusting creature named George W. Bush as well as his demented greedhead cronies in the Administration. After that comes the media, which lionizes people like Tillman because they gave up everything–money, a bright future, even their life!–to serve their coun–well, to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq. (Tillman fought first in Iraq, then Afghanistan.) It’s the same sales pitch used by Hezbollah and Hamas to recruit suicide bombers: die for the greater good. Except these wars are not good. They’re not defending us from terrorists; they’re recruiting them. And the 9/11 terror attacks remain utterly unavenged.

Even so it’s time for Americans to start boycotting the military. If there hadn’t been a spike in recruitment after 9/11, the Pentagon would not have had the ability to wage war in Iraq, where even now they are so shorthanded that they sent for another 47,000 troops. The last thing anyone should do with their life is sign it away as a blank check to George W. Bush–a man who did everything in his power to dodge the draft when he had his chance to fight in Vietnam, a war that he supported as long as other guys were doing the dying.

I’ve been asked what I would have done, as president, after 9/11. I’ve written about this extensively, in books and essays, but to summarize:

I would have leaned on Egypt, which receives $2 billion annually in US foreign aid, to track down the masterminds of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. IJ is the group that killed Anwar Sadat, and all 19 hijackers were members. They were also all Egyptian–the 15 “Saudis” merely held Saudi passports. I would have demanded that those leaders be prosecuted for mass murder on 9/11.

Regime change, if necessary, should have focused on Saudi Arabia, which funded the attacks, and Pakistan, which is–contrary to media myth–Al Qaeda HQ. General Musharraf’s ISI intelligence agency created the Taliban and spread militant anti-American Wahhabiism throughout South and Central Asia. Get rid of him, and you eliminate funding for the camps in Afghanistan, a nation that was before 9/11 nothing more than a back lot for Pakistan’s misdeeds.

There’s more–much, much more–but as I said, I’ve written about all this before and I am seriously tired.

Pat Tillman died for nothing. He may have been an admirable person in many respects–we’re all complicated–but he made a terrible decision by joining Bush’s mercenary military after 9/11. If someone dies because they screw up behind the wheel of their car, it’s a tragic accident. It’s awful and we’re sad–but it ain’t heroism, folks.

Heroism? That’s pretty damned rare. Shooting at people for pay, unless you’re defending your country, surely ain’t that particular bird. And America has never been endangered by Iraq or Afghanistan. North Korea, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, on the other hand…

Pat Tillman

Today’s cartoon is getting a lot of coverage from right-wing media outlets as well as more legitimate ones like Editor & Publisher. As is often the case in these situations, it’s impossible to reply to each email individually, so I’ll just say what I have to say here.

My cartoon is a reaction to the extraordinary lionizing of Mr. Tillman as a national hero. First of all, the media’s decision to genuflect to a cult of death is terrifyingly similar to the cult of Palestinian suicide bombers in the Middle East and the glorious coverage given by the Japanese during World War II to fallen kamikaze fighters. Nowhere has this excessive praise for the act of voluntary death been more extreme than in Mr. Tillman’s case.

The purpose of a political cartoon is to stimulate discussion, and there was no discussion about America’s post-9/11 death cult.

Second, Mr. Tillman served an evil president and an evil cause. Anyone with an open mind after 9/11 could easily have learned the truth, that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq occured instead of a war on terror, not as part of one. A person who planned to risk his life in combat should reasonably be expected to dig a little deeper rather than to fall for Bush’s transparent lies. We all judge each other, and while Tillman’s decision to sacrifice millions of dollars for his beliefs is admirable, his belief that killing the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan had something to do with defending America was not. At best, Tillman was foolish and misguided.

Finally, it’s time for troops who signed up post-9/11 to take a little personal responsibility. It’s one thing for a career soldier to go where the politicians tell him or her to go, but quite another to join the military when the “president” is an illegal usurper occupying the White House, he’s an out-of-control warmonger using the deaths in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania to promote a partisan political agenda and his wars are nothing more than grabs for control of oil and gas resources and pipeline routes. Liberals tend to let volunteer soldiers off the hook, but let’s not forget the hard, cold truth:

If no one had enlisted after 9/11, we wouldn’t be fighting these immoral wars based on lies and greed now.

Update as of Tuesday: I’ll be the lead on tonight’s O’Reilly Factor, on Fox News, 8 pm Eastern time.

Last Night

Yesterday’s ATTITUDE 2 gala at New York’s Museum of Cartoon and Comic Art rocked! The joint was jumping with cartoonists and their fans, artwork was tastefully displayed for all to enjoy and even the complimentary cheese cubes were well worth savoring. Thanks to the fine people at MoCCA for pulling off an exceptional event, and especially to the artists who traveled from far-flung places to be there.

Militant Moderate Attacks Again

Few exercises in reading are quite as irritating as reading Nicholas Kristoff’s opinion columns in the New York Times. The dude’s smart, insightful and brave–he recently traveled to Sudan to cover the bloody civil war there–but his efforts at walking the line of moderation under Bushite occupation (a time when no patriotic American should hold moderate opinions) are growing increasingly tedious.

The latest case study: yesterday’s column, wherein he decries, of all things, the habit that liberals supposedly have of mocking Born Again Christian fundamentalists. I don’t know which lefties he’s been hanging out with, but my pals don’t hate Christians–we don’t give them much thought at all, actually. Maybe it’s a New York thing. In this town, people who think they talk to God mutter, dribbling spittle as they ambulate through subway cars asking for money, and they’re best avoided.

Still, I can’t resist poking fun as Kristoff’s close:

It’s always easy to point out the intolerance of others. What’s harder is to practice inclusiveness oneself. And bigotry toward people based on their faith is just as repugnant as bigotry toward people based on their sexuality.

No, of course it isn’t. You see, faith is a matter of personal choice. Sexual orientation isn’t. If you can’t judge someone based on their decisions, what can you judge them on?

Review of Attitude 2

The San Diego Union-Tribune‘s review of ATTITUDE 2 kicks ass!

Speaking of which, the Cartooning Gala of the Year is nearly at hand! An incredible 15 of the ATTITUDE cartoonists will attend and sign at the April 29th fundraiser for the New York Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art in New York City.


Scott Bateman

Emily Flake (“Lulu Eightball”)

Tim Krieder (“The Pain—When Will It End?”)

Peter Kuper (“Eye of the Beholder”)

Stephen Notley (“Bob the Angry Flower”)

Ted Rall (“Search and Destroy”)

David Rees (“Get Your War On”)

Mikhaela Reid (“The Boiling Point”)

Mickey Siporin

Jen Sorensen (“Slowpoke”)

Ward Sutton (“Schlock ‘N’ Roll”)

Neil Swaab (“Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles”)

Tom Tomorrow (“This Modern World”)

Tak Toyoshima (“Secret Asian Man”)

Jason Yungbluth (“Deep Fried”)

Time: 7 – 9 pm

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2004

Place: Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art

594 Broadway, south of Houston Street


By subway:

6 to Bleecker St or Spring St,

N, R, W to Prince St,

B, D, F, V, to B’way-Lafayette St

See you there!

“President Bush”?

“When they elected Bush president,” The New York Times began an editorial the other day. Air America, house organ of the Democratic Leadership Council, regularly refers to “President Bush.”

Just a reminder: That man is not our president. He is still an illegal imposter, with no right to present himself to be reelected to an office he was appointed to by a rogue Supreme Court. Gore won the popular vote as well as the electoral vote. Gore won Florida by an ample margin, as anyone who has studied the issue is well aware. For the Times and Air America, two voices that ought to know better, to refer to Bush as president is an insult to our constitution and the 42 legitimately elected men who came to power by popular acclaim.

Book Tour; Speaking Engagements

My publishers and I are currently putting together an itinerary for this summer’s in-store signings and attendant speaking gigs to promote my new book WAKE UP, YOU’RE LIBERAL. So if you, a cool store and/or a local group/college/whatever is interested in having me come to your city, now’s the time to speak up. Priority will go to people who arrange events in advance, are capable of doing efficient promotion and to cities where my cartoons or columns appear in a local publication (without the latter, turnout tends to be too small to make the event worthwhile for everybody concerned).

I’m at chet@rall.com if you’re interested.
