DMZ America Podcast Ep 160 | August 17, 2024: Kamala Takes the Lead, Ukraine Takes a Risk

Political cartoonists and analysts Ted Rall (on the Left) and Scott Stantis (on the Right) take on the week in politics.

The 2024 presidential campaign settles into the new reality following the withdrawal of Joe Biden and the ascension of Vice President Kamala Harris. Donald Trump, 78, is having trouble pivoting and accepting going from a six-point lead to a three-point deficit. Vice Presidential candidates Walz and Vance prepare for a pair of debates next month. Economic policies, all populist but vaguely formed and seemingly untethered to basic economic philosophies, are beginning to emerge from both sides—and Harris is lifting the Trump ones she likes best.

The Russo-Ukraine conflict has entered a new phase as Ukrainian forces invade Russia and seize territory in the rural Kursk region. At the same time, Russian forces are advancing inside Ukraine. What next?


The Final Countdown – 8/16/24 – Trump Requests Delayed Sentencing, Kamala Harris Unveils Economic Policy 

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss Trump requesting delayed sentencing. 
The show begins with a cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis weighing in on Trump requesting a judge to delay his hush money sentencing. 
Then, RT journalist Mohamed Gomaa joins the show to discuss the latest out of Gaza and the ongoing tensions between Israel and Iran. 


The show closes with former CIA officer and co-host of Political Misfits John Kiriakou joining to discuss Kim Dotcom facing extradition to the U.S. and the anniversary of the Afghanistan Withdrawal. 

Don’t Negotiate Against Yourselves, Lefties

           Anyone who has experience haggling at a flea market has intuited the basics of negotiating. If a seller offers the item you want at a fire-sale price that you’re unlikely to find elsewhere, smile, pay the asking price and walk away before they change their mind. If the requested price is many times higher than you’re willing to pay, just walk away. Stratospheric pricing pretty much eliminates the odds that you’ll be able to come to terms. Your time is better spend haggling with a different vendor. In other cases, offer a low-ball rate and work toward middle ground.

            In politics, liberals tend to negotiate against themselves. Rather than pushing for radical change, Democrats begin with an incrementalist approach that factors in their conservative opponents’ counteroffer and begins from there. Since the Right is aggressive, they push back to the point that the resulting change is a smaller improvement that, in many cases, is so tiny as to be a rounding error. Obama’s opening gambit in the healthcare reform debate illustrates this phenomenon.

            We know what we wound up with: Obamacare, originally developed by the right-wing Heritage Foundation, is a free-market scheme that prioritizes insurance-company profits, relies on economies of scale and assumes robust competition will reduce costs. (In practice, the healthcare business is de facto monopolized to the extent that there is little downward pressure on prices. The industry is disincentivized to participate in the public sector to the point that only a small fraction of the health plans available individually and via private employers can be purchased in the ACA’s online marketplace.)

            The point is how the ACA as we know it came to pass. Obama, wielding considerable political capital at the start of his first term, decided to make healthcare reform his first major legislative priority. The public, long struggling under high costs for medical care and prescription pharmaceuticals, was supportive across party lines.

            Right out of the gate, Obama negotiated against himself. Though he had promised during this campaign that the ACA would include a “public option,” i.e. the right to join what Bernie Sanders called Medicare For All, he agreed to drop it from the bill because, Democrats explained, they were short one vote in the Senate. Joe Lieberman, a right-wing independent senator from Connecticut, home to many of the nation’s major insurers, threatened to scuttle the measure via a filibuster parliamentary maneuver.

            Rather than force Lieberman and his Republican allies to go on the record as having rejected a popular bill on a major issue, Obama dropped the public option. Obama noted the public option “has become a source of ideological contention between the left and right.” Anyway, he lied, “I didn’t campaign on the public option.” Good news: the ACA passed. But the lack of a public option was so unpopular (88% of Democrats wanted one) that it was a significant factor behind Bernie Sanders’ insurgent campaign in 2016. Instead of a towering achievement, Obamacare is widely viewed as a disappointment. The vast majority of Americans say its failure left the problem unsolved.

            Shortly before he left office, Obama suggested that Congress add a public option to the ACA. This is what happens when you negotiate against yourself.

            The 38% of Americans who oppose capitalism—socialists, communists, left libertarians and others to the Left of the Democratic Party—should take careful note of the Democrats’ repeated refusals to seek big changes and the subsequent failures that have followed as a result. Unlike the Democrats, who negotiate in Congress against Republicans who share their basic political values and assumptions on the relationship between workers and their labor, militarism and social priorities, we on the actual Left are fighting to overturn the system entirely.

            Our goal is Revolution. But we are completely, for the time being, disorganized. There is no viable leftist political party with a revolutionary orientation, no well-funded highly distributed media outlet to disseminate news and opinion with our point of view. We have, not even in the so-called progressive “Squad” in the House of Representatives, zero elected representatives who seek to abolish capitalism and prioritize the needs and desires of the people. Absent these basic organizational structures or an as-yet-undeveloped Internet-driven organizational strategy that short circuits traditional grassroots organizing and agitation strategies, emancipation by revolution will continue to elude us.

            In the meantime, we must lay the groundwork for revolutionary foment. We must, within the constructs and limitations of the current capitalist system, expose the true nature of a government that claims to be by and for the people but is in truth nothing but a Ponzi scheme that extracts wealth upward from the poor and the working class up to the tiny few at the top point of the pyramid. We can and must accomplish this by exposing the system’s internal, self-evident contradictions.

            This begins by asking why the powers that be repeatedly and continuously find billions of dollars for all manner of destructive nonsense—foreign wars, corrupt defense contractors, tax breaks to for-profit corporations—repeatedly and continuously inform us that there is never enough money to satisfy basic human needs.

            We know, when we demand that everyone have enough to eat, that the political elites will refuse or ignore us. We expect, when we demand that everyone be housed, that we will be told to stuff it. We understand, when we demand that a day of work should be paid fairly, that we are asking for something that they will never agree to—indeed, that they cannot because it would destroy them and their self-perceived identity in the power structure.

            We make demands, not because we believe they will be achieved under this fake parliamentary-style democracy, but because they will be unreasonably refused, without just cause. We want people to hear us ask, and hear them say no, over and over in order to expose them and the fundamental nature of their system.

            We are not, therefore, negotiating. We are demanding. Those who demand should appear reasonable. But we must also be ambitious. Our demands should be aggressive enough that we would genuinely be satisfied were we to achieve them and never so modest that there is a chance the ruling classes would ever seriously consider them. 

            Nothing less than a perfect world will do.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. His latest book, brand-new right now, is the graphic novel 2024: Revisited.)


The Final Countdown – 8/15/24 – Trump Blasts Kamala Over State of U.S. Economy 

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss a variety of topics, including Trump’s economic policy speech.
The show begins with commentator and economist Mitch Roschelle discussing the latest inflation and unemployment numbers in the U.S. He also discusses Trump’s economic policy speech. 
Then, army infantry veteran and counselor-at-law Tyler Nixon shares his legal expertise on Hunter Biden’s latest legal troubles. 
Later,  RT journalist Nebojsa Malic joins the show to discuss the latest out of Ukraine and Germany’s arrest warrant for the Nord Stream explosion suspects.  

The Final Countdown – 8/14/24 – Federal Reserve Gives Positive Economic Outlook Despite Little Change for Americans 

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss various topics including the latest inflation and unemployment numbers in the U.S. economy. 
The show begins with Bronx-based political activist and congressional candidate Jose Vega discussing Ilhan Omar’s re-election amid the Congressional primaries. 
Then, former senior security policy analyst Michael Maloof weighs in on the FBI’s probe into the alleged hack of the Trump campaign. 
The second hour starts with CEO of Larrea Wealth Management Aquiles Larrea sharing his expertise on the latest economic outlook. 
The show closes with international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda talking about Germany’s request to Poland to arrest a Nord Stream suspect. He also shares the latest developments out of Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk. 

The Final Countdown – 8/13/24 – Trump’s Interview with Musk Nets Tens of Millions of Views

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss a plethora of current events, including Elon Musk’s interview with Trump. 
The show begins with journalist and YouTuber Peter Coffin discussing Elon Musk’s interview with Donald Trump on X.
Then, counselor-at-law Tyler Nixon weighs in on Trump suing the DOJ for over $100 million over the Mar-a-Lago raid, claiming political persecution. 
The second hour starts with international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda sharing his expertise on Ukraine’s incursion into Russia. 
The show closes with the managing editor of Covert Action Magazine Jeremy Kuzmarov weighing in on the latest out of Gaza and Iran amid increasing tensions in the Middle East. 

The Final Countdown – 8/12/14 – Kamala Harris Leads in Polls as Biden Gives First Interview Post Dropout 

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss the latest political developments around the globe, including Kamala Harris’s polling numbers. 
The show begins with former City Council Candidate and foreign and domestic policy expert Armen Kurdian sharing his perspective on Kamala Harris’s and Donald Trump’s performance in the polls. 
Then, former Barack Obama campaign director, army veteran, and podcast host Robin Biro joins the show to weigh in on the latest out of the 2024 presidential elections, delving deep into Kamala Harris’s policies and also President Biden’s first interview since dropping out. 
The second hour starts with international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda sharing his analysis of Ukraine’s incursion into the Kursk region. 
The show closes with author, journalist, and activist Robert Fantina joining to discuss the latest out of Gaza. 

The Final Countdown – 8/9/24 – U.S., Qatar, Egypt Push for Ceasefire Summit 

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss the latest news from around the globe, including rising tensions out of the Middle East. 
The show begins with cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis discussing the latest out of the presidential campaign, including Trump’s upcoming Montana rally, Kamala Harris’s response to protesters, and the two candidates agreeing to debate. 
Then, human rights lawyer, activist, and author Dan Kovalik shares his perspective on the latest tensions out of the Middle East, including an anticipated attack on Israel. 
The second hour starts with international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda sharing his perspective on Ukraine’s attempted incursion into Russia. 
The show closes with former CIA officer host of Political Misfits John Kiriakou joining the show to discuss the government hiding its report on CIA torture. 

Don’t Get Obama-ed Again

           Barack Obama’s 2008 run, a classic identity play, emphasized the history-making potential of electing the nation’s first Black president. No one knew or cared much about Obama’s policy positions, and he didn’t bother to share them. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 bids were policy arguments focused around a succinct set of issues: student loan debt, the minimum wage and healthcare. The fact that he would have been the first Jewish president was scarcely noticed.

If I were one of the Democratic strategists advising Kamala Harris’ rump 2024 campaign for president, I would focus on an identity play emphasizing her race and gender over a run about a set of policies. Which is exactly what she’s doing. “The longer the Harris campaign can portray her as a cultural phenomenon,” The New York Times reported on July 31st, “the longer she can avoid articulating details of her policy agenda that could divide her support…For now, the Harris team intends to skip some of the traditional markers of a presidential bid. While Ms. Harris released a host of policy papers during her 2020 campaign—some of which she has since disavowed—this time she plans to cast herself as a policy extension of Mr. Biden’s administration.”

“I think we are three weeks from knowing whether she can ascend the Obama ladder to where it’s about her and not any specific policies she has,” Rick Davis, campaign manager for McCain in 2008, told the Times.

If Kamala Harris can get elected without making policy promises, good for her. But we, as individual voters, have different interests than she does.

“I’m with her,” a Hillary Clinton campaign slogan quickly adopted by Kamala Harris supporters, is exactly the opposite of what representative democracy is supposed to be about. She should be watching our backs. A politician ought to be there for us, fighting like hell to improve our lives.

Just as Harris is attempting to do now, Obama ran as a rock star, long on charisma and short on specifics. Progressives and other leftists who gave him their votes quickly learned that being young, Black and cool enough to enjoy weed is no guarantee that a candidate will govern any better or differently than a boring old white guy. As president, Obama did exactly what a Republican would have done. He refused to codify Roe v. Wade (he called abortion rights “not the highest legislative priority”), granted full immunity to Guantánamo torturers, sent tens of thousands of more troops to the losing wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, used assassination drones 10 times more than Bush and supported the military coup against the democratically-elected, left-leaning president of Honduras.

            Obama’s decision to bail out Wall Street but not Main Street after the 2008-09 subprime mortgage crisis prompted pissed-off progressives to form the Occupy Wall Street movement in late 2011. True to right-wing form, Obama had his Homeland Security department partner with Wall Street banks, real estate companies, local police and the FBI to ruthlessly crush hundreds of Occupy encampments in violent coordinated raids.

Obama is still a rock star. But he gravely wounded the Democratic Party. Obamaism led directly to the surprise success of Bernie Sanders’ insurgent 2016 campaign—and the intraparty schism that allowed Donald Trump’s surprise win.

            Let’s not get fooled again. If the left-leaning Democrats who comprise the majority of the party’s voters want to avoid getting conned into supporting another DINO like Obama, they must insist upon a clear and coherent policy agenda for a first Harris Administration. “She is not Trump” is not enough. Nor is “we need a Black woman president.” By those standards, we could have elected Condoleezza Rice.

            We don’t know nearly enough about Harris’s stances on the issues. The little we have learned so far on matters like Gaza (she supports Israel), universal healthcare (she’s against it) and the long-frozen minimum wage (she doesn’t talk about it) doesn’t give much reason for optimism from a leftist point of view.

            It’s been more than two weeks since she became the Democratic standardbearer. Yet she still refuses to give any press conferences—something every candidate and every president ought to do daily, 365 days a year—or interviews with reporters. Like the senile Biden, every word she utters in public is read off a Teleprompter.

If she won’t tell us what she thinks, and we don’t like what she says, she shouldn’t get our votes.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. His latest book, brand-new right now, is the graphic novel 2024: Revisited.)


DMZ America Podcast Ep 159: Now It’s Harris-Walz. What’s Next?

Political cartoonists and analysts Ted Rall (on the Left) and Scott Stantis (on the Right) take on the week in politics.

Kamala Harris’ pick of Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate has been greeted with praise from Democratic-aligned media as well as the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. As Harris pulles even or slightly ahead of Trump, Scott asks whether Harris’ honeymoon can last and, if so, for how long. The ins and outs of a reshaped presidential campaign and how the immediate race looks is the focus of this week’s discussion.

Watch the Video Version: here.
