The Obamabot

Sharp-eyed readers will recall that I did a similar cartoon about Bush.

Let The Rerebuilding Begin

The New York Times published the results of a study that proves that, 15 to 20 years after a layoff, most people still haven’t recovered economically.

Reduction in Force

When I was growing up, a “layoff” was something that happened while a factory closed temporarily in order to allow surplus inventory to be sold. Then workers came back to work. Why can’t corporations just admit it–they’re firing people?


Barack Obama’s speech at Notre Dame about abortion continues his ongoing quest for oppressed people to make nice with their oppressors.

What’s New?

When everyone’s losing everything, those who manage to hold on to what they have look lucky.

Teen Unemployment Panic

Teen unemployment is 21%. But why do we care? Kids shouldn’t work anyway. It adds to adult unemployment and reduces their attention to their schooling, which should be their top priority.
