The Final Countdown – 6/21/24 – U.S. Redirects Patriot Systems from Client States to Ukraine

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss political developments from around the globe, including the latest out of Ukraine.
The show begins with political commentator Scottie Nell Hughes joining the show to discuss Trump and Biden’s performance in the polls. 
Then, Paul Wright, managing editor at Prison Legal News and executive director of the Human Rights Defense Center, joins the show to discuss the prevalence of forced prison labor in the U.S. prison system and analyzes an NYT op-ed calling it legalized slavery.
Later, journalist and Host of The Back Story on Radio Sputnik Rachel Blevins weighs in on the rising tensions between Israel and Lebanon.
The show closes with Serbian-American journalist Nebojsa Malic discussing the newly named NATO chief.

The Final Countdown – 6/14/24 – Trump Visits Capitol Hill, G7 Wrap Up

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss an array of topics, including Trump’s visit to Capitol Hill and the G7 wrapping up.

Steve Gill – Attorney 
Craig “Pasta” Jardula – Political analyst, Host of ‘Pasta2Go’ and Co-Host of ‘The Convo Couch’
Jeremy Kuzmarov – Managing Editor, Covert Action Magazine 
Dr. George Szamuely – Senior Research Fellow at The Global Policy Institute 
The show begins with attorney Steve Gill sharing his perspective on Trump’s visit to Capitol Hill since Jan. 6. 
Then, Craig “Pasta” Jardula, political analyst and podcast host, weighs in on Elon Musk winning a Tesla pay deal from shareholders. 

The second hour starts with the Managing Editor at Covert Action Magazine Jeremy Kuzmarov weighing in on Zelensky’s upcoming peace conference and its exclusion of Russia. 

The show wraps up with Senior Research Fellow at The Global Policy Institute Dr. George Szamuely talking about the France National Rally’s plan to form a coalition government. 

The Final Countdown – 6/10/24 – Hunter Biden’s Criminal Trial Nears Conclusion

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss various current events, including Hunter Biden’s gun trial. 

Steve Gill – Attorney and CEO of Gill Media 
Scott Stantis – Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune
Dan Kovalik – Human Rights Lawyer 
Jamarl Thomas – Cohost of Fault Lines 
The show begins with attorney and CEO of Gill Media, Steve Gill, sharing his perspective on the latest out of U.S. presidential elections including Trump and Biden’s popularity.
Then, cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis weighs in on the defense resting in Hunter Biden’s gun trial. 
The second hour starts with human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik sharing his perspective on the latest out of Gaza, including the IDF killing 300 Palestinians to recapture four Israeli hostages and Benny Gantz leaving Israel’s war cabinet. 
The show closes with co-host of Fault Lines Jamarl Thomas joining from Vienna, Austria to discuss the results of the EU elections.

The Final Countdown – 6/7/24 – Trump Shortens List of VP Candidates as Election Approaches

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss a range of topics, including Trump’s potential VP pick. 

Scott Stantis – Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune 
Robert Hornack – Political consultant 
Jeremy Kuzmarov – Managing Editor of Covert Action Magazine 
Mark Sleboda – International Relations Analyst
The show begins with Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis discussing the latest out of the Hunter Biden gun trial. 
Then, political analyst Robert Hornack weighs in on Trump’s possible VP pick. 
The second hour starts with the managing editor of Covert Action Magazine Jeremy Kuzmarov joining the show to discuss the latest out of Rafah and escalations between Israel and Lebanon.
The show closes with International relations analyst Mark Sleboda analyzing Biden’s visit to France for the anniversary of D-Day. 

The Final Countdown – 6/3/24 – New Polls Show GOP is Standing Behind Trump Despite Guilty Verdict

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss a wide array of topics, including Trump’s conviction. 

Ryan Cristian – Founder and Editor of The Last American Vagabond 
Robert Hornack – Political consultant 
Michael Maloof – Former Pentagon Official 
Mindia Gavasheli – Bureau Chief for Sputnik U.S. 
The show begins with Ryan Cristian sharing his perspective on Biden’s framework for a permanent ceasefire and what it entails. 
Then, political consultant Robert Hornack weighs in on Trump’s post-conviction speech and United States Senator Joe Manchin’s change in party affiliation. 
The second hour starts with former Pentagon official Michael Maloof sharing his analysis on the latest out of Ukraine. 
The show closes with Bureau Chief for Sputnik U.S. Mindia Gavasheli reporting from Mexico on the country’s presidential elections. 

DMZ America Podcast #149: Trump Is Now a Felon. What Happens Next?

Political cartoonists Ted Rall (on the Left) and Scott Stantis (on the Right) analyze the conviction of Donald Trump. How did it happen? Will he go to jail and/or be put on probation? Will he drop out of the race? How will it affect the campaign? Might we soon have a sitting president forced to govern from prison?

Watch the Video Version: here.

(Video will be live at 4:45 EDT 5-31-24)

The Final Countdown – 5/31/24 – How Trump’s Guilty Verdict Could Shape the 2024 Election Landscape

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss the latest developments worldwide. 

Armen Kurdian – Political commentator 
Tyler Nixon – Counselor-at-law 
Jamie Finch – Former Transportation Safety Official 
Mindia Gavasheli – Bureau Chief of Sputnik U.S. 
The show begins with political commentator Armen Kurdian weighing in on Trump’s unprecedented guilty verdict. 
Then, counselor-at-law Tyler Nixon continues the conversation on Trump’s guilty verdict. 
The second hour starts with former National Transportation Safety Board director Jamie Finch discussing a whistleblower calling for a criminal investigation into Boeing. 
The show closes with Mindia Gavasheli reporting from Mexico City on the latest out of  Mexico’s general elections. 

If Trump Leaned Left, Democrats Would Love Him Too

            If you don’t understand your enemy and their motivations, Sun Tzu counseled, victory will elude you. Part of the reason Biden’s polls are so awful is that Democrats and their supporters don’t have a clue about what is driving Trump and his MAGA movement.

            The answer would shock many of them. Republican voters want the same thing as Democrats: a warrior. Republicans don’t much care whether their president or senator or congressman is a decent or law-abiding individual. They just want him to vote for the bills they agree with, and to push like hell to turn them into law.

            Evangelical Christians, the bedrock of the GOP base, embodies this seeming paradox. “It is odd,” The New Statesman muses, “to see a man who embodies so many sins—including all seven deadly ones; is there anyone who better exemplifies a noxious combination of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth?—be so widely embraced by the religious Right. This is a politician who has no home church and can’t name his favorite Bible verse.” White evangelicals went 84% for Trump in 2020, up from 77% in 2016 according to the Pew poll.

            And from their perspective, it paid off. Trump’s Supreme Court appointees, a trio of hard-core right-wingers, are why Roe v. Wade and the federal right to an abortion are no more.

            If they thought about it, Democrats would realize it’s not odd at all.

            Recently I noticed a photo I have of myself with the late Ted Kennedy, liberal lion of the U.S. Senate and perennial candidate for president. Kennedy’s personal life, particularly vis-à-vis women, was deplorable. I knew, everyone knew, about that when I went to work for his primary campaign against Jimmy Carter in 1980 and then when he tried again in 1984, and yet again when I met him at the ceremony where I received the RFK Journalism Award.

I didn’t care.

            I wouldn’t let my daughter catch a ride in Kennedy’s black Oldsmobile. So what? What mattered to me was not what he did as a private individual but how he voted and championed liberal values.

            Many women felt like that. “If you are sympathetic to Kennedy and his politics, Newsweek observed when Kennedy died in 2009, you were “willing to measure the benefits that Kennedy brought to countless people through his politics, and give them proper weight on the scales of the man’s record.”

            In 2004, when antiwar leftists and progressives disgusted by the then-popular Cult of George W. Bush and his lie-based invasion of Iraq were at their most desperate for a champion to walk tall, consequences be damned, Kennedy stood head and shoulders above his fellow Democrats. We thrilled as he dared to unleash his outrage against a GOP that hadn’t faced serious criticism since the September 11, 2001 attacks.

            “Iraq is George Bush’s Vietnam,” Kennedy said in one of his many famous speeches. “Truth is the first casualty of policy” when it came to Bush, he thundered. “This is the pattern and the record of the Bush administration [on] Iraq, jobs, Medicare, schools, issue after issue—mislead, deceive, make up the needed facts, smear the character of any critics. Again and again, we see this cynical, despicable strategy playing out.”

            Mitch McConnell (R-KY), then the Senate Majority Whip, blasted Kennedy as “vicious” and “outrageous.”

It is, however, no coincidence that Kennedy’s favorability polls peaked in 2004.

Liberals could sure use a warrior like Kennedy now.

If you can, try to imagine a Joe Biden with many of the same qualities and flaws of men like Ted Kennedy and Donald Trump. Let’s say that we knew for a fact that he repeatedly crept out on Jill with, among other people, a porn star. That he cheated people who worked for him. That he issued truly disgusting utterances, some of it racist. But that he was also indefatigably determined to push forward a far-left agenda whether or not the establishment was ready for it—socialized healthcare, free college, much higher minimum wage, legalized abortion at the federal level.

If you are tired of a Democratic Party that constantly seems to sell itself cheap to the Republicans, you might vote for that kind of Joe Biden.

Alternatively, what if Trump were the same exact person, but a warrior for the Left? Admit it—progressives would love him.

Of course, the real Joe Biden is not that different than the theoretical Joe “Mr. Hyde” Biden I just described—the bad part, anyway. A former Capitol Hill staffer accused Biden of sexual assault. So did other women. Like Trump, Biden credibly stands accused of corrupt business dealings. He launched his political career by defending segregated schools, engineered a racist crime bill that sent two generations of young Black men to prison for minor crimes and made numerous racist remarks.

Sadly, Biden isn’t enough of a warrior to justify turning a blind eye to his negatives. If he were, the extreme-right government of Israel would have to look somewhere else for the tens of billions of taxdollars Biden is sending them to help slaughter the Palestinians.

Even so, tens of millions of Democratic voters will do just that this November. Like the Trumpies, the Bidenites are overlooking their candidate’s flaws, not least of which is his alarming mental decline. Surely liberals should be able to see that, in this respect, they are exactly the same as the Republicans. But of course there is a difference. Unlike the Republicans who ignore Trump’s failings, Democrats who put their consciences on silent mode in order to vote for Biden are doing so without any indication that they will ever get anything back in return.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. His latest book, brand-new right now, is the graphic novel 2024: Revisited.)

The Final Countdown – 5/21/24 – Costello Takes the Stand Again in Trump Trial Amid Heightening Tensions with Judge

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall cover the latest developments from around the globe, including Trump’s hush money trial. 

Steve Gill – Attorney 
Dan Kovalik – Human rights lawyer 
Elijah Magnier – Veteran war correspondent 
Andrii Telishenko – Ukrainian whistleblower and former diplomat 
The show begins with attorney Steve Gill sharing his analysis on the latest developments out of Trump’s hush money trial amid the defense resting the case. 
Then, human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik shares his expertise on the ICC arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, other top officials, and various Hamas leaders. 
The second hour starts with veteran war correspondent Elijah Magnier sharing his analysis of the DRC coup attempt. 
The show closes with Ukrainian whistleblower and former diplomat Andrii Telishenko to discuss the EU agreeing to give Russia assets to Ukraine. 