DMZ America #48: Pulitzer Prize, Roe v. Wade and our Rotten Economy

In this episode Ted, (who is suffering following his fifth Covid shot), and Scott discuss the lousy state of editorial cartooning illustrated by the horrendous winners of the Pulitzer Prize. Next, they discuss the aftermath of the leaked SCOTUS Roe v. Wade decision and the state of progressives in the United States. Lastly, the U.S. economy in free fall and the Biden administration’s stumbling response.



DMZ America Podcast #46: Women Who Subject Men to Domestic Abuse, Ukraine and Disney Uber Alles

Scott and Ted dedicate the first segment of this episode to delve into the taboo subject of adult males who become victims of domestic abuse at the hands of their female partners, the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard defamation trial being a case in point. In the second segment, we delve into Ukraine, DisneyWorld having its own government taken away in Florida by Governor Ron DeSantis, the floundering Biden economy and driverless cars.



DMZ America Podcast #45: Biden’s Racist Immigration Policy, Another Civil War in Afghanistan?, Johnny Depp’s Courage

Joe Biden is throwing America open to any Ukrainian who wants to come here, but even if you’ve been waiting for years to cross the southern border as a refugee because the United States overthrew and destroyed your home country’s democratically elected government, you need not apply. Simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout Afghanistan paint an ominous portrait of renewed civil conflict in a country that is suffering from 97% mass starvation due to White House policies. Johnny Depp’s extraordinary courage testifying to being abused by his mother and his ex-wife Amber Heard prompt a discussion about the hidden epidemic of American men abused by women. Check out this week’s DMZ America podcast with political cartoonists Ted Rall and Scott Stantis.



DMZ America Podcast #44: Is This the End of the American Century? Sex Education in Schools and How Low in the Polls can President Biden and the Democrats Go?

Two of America’s best political commentators, cartoonists Ted Rall and Scott Stantis, discuss the sun setting on this last American century. The “Don’t Say ‘Gay'” policy in our public schools gets a closer look and the latest polls are in, and things are looking pretty bleak for the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party.



DMZ America Podcast #36: Should the U.S. Send troops to Ukraine? Sarah Palin Gets anti-SLAPPed and a Look into the Cartooning Creative Process

In this episode, Scott and Ted debate what the United States response ought to be should Putin’s Russia invade Ukraine. Ted goes deep into the weeds to explain how anti-SLAPP laws in America have been used by the powerful to screw over the weak and damaged, and destroy defamation law. (You know it’s bad when the likes of Ted feel sorry for Sarah Palin.) The third segment has Ted and Scott discussing what they are going to create, and how, as they are teamed up to draw on the same day on CounterPoint.


DMZ America Podcast #26: Why Biden is Tanking, War over Ukraine? and Holiday Blues. Plus: Flamethrower Drones!

You have heard the rest, now here are the best political analysts in America! Cartoonist-hosts Ted Rall and Scott Stantis unravel the mystery of why Joe Biden’s poll approval numbers continue to tank despite the economy not really being that bad, grizzly prospects for the Democrats in the midterms and 2024, Russian saber-rattling along the border with Ukraine and whether we should get involved, as well as feeling seriously bummed about Christmas time and holidays in general. Plus: flamethrower drones!


