Blend the Stimulus

This one was inspired by a conversation with Matt Bors. We were wondering aloud why Obama was in such a rush to pass the bailout bills, only to drag his ass in actually distributing the money. It’s not like they can’t do things quickly.

The Immoral Majority

The torture debate has come down to whether or not it’s effective. Why are opponents of torture playing this game? Whether or not torture works is irrelevant. Even if it would save millions of lives–and that’s a stretch, to say the least–it’s wrong. What happened to Americans? Why are we so morally bankrupt? Wrong is wrong. It doesn’t matter whether or not it pays.

You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

It’s true: U.S. puppet Afghan president Hamid Karzai has signed into law a bill that requires Afghan women to have sex with their husbands at least every four days, except when they’re menstruating or sick. The Taliban were progressive by comparison–they stoned rapists to death.

A Terrible Reckoning

Torturers are warned that they may face a tender accounting for Bush Administration war crimes.

Goldilocks the Torturer

Blogger has been acting tweaky lately. It took me 48 hours to get this cartoon to load. My apologies for the delay; wish me luck getting the next ones up there.

Change We Need

Obama and the Democrats have achieved a sweeping victory. Now it’s time for them to dismantle Bush’s gulag archipelago of torture. Not after forming a committee to look into it. Not after we’ve found the best way to do it. Immediately.

Prison Ships

The human rights group Reprieve, reports the UK Guardian newspaper, says the U.S. is using U.S. Navy ships as prison ships for detainees.
