The Newspaper

I never understood why newspapers run listings and reviews of movies and TV. It’s like, go watch something else! Go away! Now they’re doing the same thing with the Web.


Here to Help

Just when you think Obama was done bending over backwards to please right-wing Republicans–voting for the Iraq War over and over and over, voting for the Afghan War over and over and over, proposing an Afghan surge, voting to gut FISA–he flip-flops on offshore oil drilling, an issue that had been settled decades ago.

As I ask so often…what next?


McCain needs someone to his left. Obama needs someone to his right. Who will each man pick as his running mate?

What Next

More and more, it feels like the Soviet Union in the late 1980s.

President Obama’s First Day

Obama’s liberal supporters are wallowing in wishful thinking. Once he gets into office, they tell themselves and everyone else, he’ll burst out as a crazy leftie!
