Early Retirement

The French are rioting to keep the retirement age at 60. We’re way ahead of them.

Eviction of the Vulture

Now that it’s clear that millions of Americans have been or are about to be evicted from their homes through no fault of their own, and that many of the foreclosure documents were forged by banks, no one should buy a foreclosed home.

Chattering Teeth

Two years into his term, Obama still talks and talks, while never lifting a finger to act (positively).

If Movies Were Marketed Like Politicians

To hear politicians, the reason people don’t vote for them–especially for Democrats–is the people’s personal failings. They’re lazy and apathetic. If only they got off their asses!

What if the politicians got off THEIR asses and earned people’s support instead?

Poor, Sad Christine O’Donnell

It’s easy to make fun of Christine O’Donnell. But what about those doing the mocking? There’s lots of delusion and stupidity to go around.

Not Christian

Obama tells the jobless to wait for his trickle-down policies to start working.

His Fault

Tea Party types are rightfully angry—but their blame is misdirected, at the poor and immigrants.


What if, in some parallel universe not unlike our own, derision and shame were directed at those who actually deserved it?
