If Movies Were Marketed Like Politicians

To hear politicians, the reason people don’t vote for them–especially for Democrats–is the people’s personal failings. They’re lazy and apathetic. If only they got off their asses!

What if the politicians got off THEIR asses and earned people’s support instead?

5 Comments. Leave new

  • “earned the people’s support”? That’s just crazy talk!

  • And what if the people are clueless, misinformed, uninformed, racist, or generally supporting the wrong thing (yes, teabaggers, I’m looking at you). Should we still try to get their support?

    I don’t think so.

    I’d settle for politicans doing what’s right, regardless of whether the unwashed masses support it or not.

  • whimsy,

    A Teabagger, but for the grace of God, am I.

    You know what issue turned me around in 1993? It was birth control in Guatemala. The argument went as follows:
    Guatemalans are poor because they have too many babies, and they should stop.

    The godless liberals who were advocating for birth control could have as many babies as they wanted…why? because they could afford to. This struck me as unfair, and, well, when you start thinking in terms of what is fair, you are automatically flung to the far left.

    As an Austrian economics enthusiast on this board has pointed out, it is after development occurs that people stop having babies, not before. Put another way, the Guatemalans are not poor because they have babies, they have babies because they are poor.

  • @olegna78: agreed, although a sad reality is while people have babies because they are poor and not the other way around, having lots of babies often does make it that much harder to fight ones way out of poverty. It is just one of many depressing vicious cycles associated with poverty, much like education. The poor are less educated (in countries where education isn’t provided by the state) because they are too poor to afford it, but being less educated again generally fuels poverty.

  • What’s so wrong wit h a little dance break in the middle of an action scene?

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