I.Q., InterruptedSeptember 6, 2010•Ted Rall According to surveys, millennials are the most optimistic generation ever.
Liberals: Easily SatisfiedSeptember 1, 2010•Ted Rall As long as the oppressors fill their ranks with tokens, all is well.
The SolutionatorsAugust 30, 2010•Ted Rall No matter what the problem, the solution is always the same.
Don’t InterruptAugust 25, 2010•Ted Rall Inspired by a real argument. By the way, I’m turning 47 in a war zone as you read this.
Different DimensionsAugust 23, 2010•Ted Rall Perhaps there’s a geeky alternative universe/timeline explanation for Obama’s inaction.
Self-Employed EntrepreneurAugust 20, 2010•Ted Rall Obama echoes Reagan’s allusion to the homeless as campers.
Don’t Ask, Don’t ThinkAugust 18, 2010•Ted Rall One major wonder of the gays in the military controversy is: why would gays want to be in the military anyway? Hell, why would straight people?