Patience is a Virtue

If you’re waiting for your copy of EL BUSHO, fear not–I’m not running a cash scam here. I’m waiting for a fresh box of hardback EL BUSHOs from my publisher so I can send them out. Your books will likely go out early next week.

The Death Threat Guy

He called back! “Saw your web [sic],” the fascist said, “but it don’t bother me none. We know where you are, and we’re comin’ to git you.”

He’s still at the same number.

Update to This Week’s Column

There’s an interesting development in the Jack Idema case, the subject of this week’s syndicated column. Idema is the ex-Special Forces soldier arrested for running a private torture chamber in Kabul.

As the invaluable Asia Times reported:

During a press briefing on Wednesday at the US State Department, spokesman Richard Boucher repeated that the United States had had no official contact with Jonathan Idema, the leader of three US civilians on trial in Afghanistan accused of kidnapping and torturing suspected Afghan resistance fighters.

“That’s their story now,” I wrote. That story is already changing. Now they admit that Idema wasn’t quite as “off the reservation” as the Pentagon would like us to believe. Sez the BBC:

The US military has admitted it detained an Afghan man handed over by a US citizen accused of running a freelance counter-terrorism operation.

A military spokesman said the prisoner was handed over by the American, Jonathan K Idema, in May.

A BBC correspondent in Kabul says that the disclosure is embarrassing for the US, which said it had had no links with the alleged American mercenary. “We did receive a detainee from Idema or his party,” said Major Jon Siepmann, spokesman for the coalition forces. “The reason we received this person was that we believed that he was someone that we had identified as a potential terrorist and we wanted him for questioning,” he said. But forces strenuously deny that Idema was working for the military in any official capacity and insist that he is a mercenary. They argue that they were not aware of Idema’s “full track record” prior to his arrest earlier this month along with two other Americans and four Afghans.

Don’t be surprised if it ultimately turns out that Idema was on the books after all. Should that happen, neither he or we should hold our breath for an apology.

Nor should the three innocent Afghans found hanging by their feet in Idema’s home.

The Soldier as Spitoon, Redux

On the other side of the post-Vietnam spitting argument comes the following email. Again presented without comment:

I enjoy your cartoons and columns and visit your Web site regularly to read them.

Your latest column, “Boycott the Military,” was particularly interesting. Among my circle of male friends and relatives, we are nearly all veterans of the Vietnam era, most of us with in-country duty and quite a few with combat experience. I have never heard one of them say they were spit on, yelled at or otherwise reviled when they returned to this country. That this myth and others persist is a testament to the right wing’s skill with propaganda.

I hope young people, especially the poor, will boycott the military during Bush’s war. As far as I can tell, the children of the wealthy are doing a good job of boycotting. The stories I read of the dead and maimed all seem to involve the lower economic classes of our country.

Anyway, stay on Bush’s case, and the Republicans, and the weak-kneed Democrats that are fearful of stepping too far left.

Even More Death Threat Phone Fun!

Just got another call from the death threat fascist. Same guy, new number. This time this right-wing resident of Palo Alto, California warned me that I had better “stop drawing those cartoons and writing those columns,” told me that “my face is going to be rearranged” and, that timeless classic, “we know where you are, you fuck.”

His new phone number is (650) 868-8365 and the name on his voice mail is Ron Erickson.

The Soldier as Spittoon

In this week’s column I quote an expert who says that there are no documented cases of Vietnam vets being spat upon when they came home to the United States. I received several replies from vets taking issue with that claim. Few were credible, some were, but the standout for what I think are obvious reasons was the following. Without comment, here it is.

I read you column semi-religiously, as an wonton agnostic should. I usually agree with you on theory, but this time I have to add to your details.

While not the returning wounded Vietnam veteran, I do have a spit story.

I was attending the State University of New York Maritime College in

1965-1969. On my first trip into NY City as a cadet, I was wearing my brand

new dress uniform. It was a Merchant Marine cadet uniform, dress blues, and

I was pretty uncomfortable in a new costume, but very proud of the fact that

I had it on. Being a freshman in college, and it being 1965, I really did

not come to a personal conclusion about Vietnam, but I was not anxious to go

there, nor would I have volunteered. My college position deferred me from

the draft, and I was going to graduate as a Merchant Marine officer which

would have deferred me as well.

I got off the subway at Lexington and 42nd Street and was walking to Times

Square. I was walking tall trying to support the look of the new uniform.

An rumpled old lady walking the other way was mostly looking at the ground.

As she came close she looked up and without any visible thought process at

all she hacked up the largest loogie you can imagine and hawked it right on

my lapel. As you can imagine, my 18 year old psyche was devastated. I

found some old newspaper to wipe it off, but I never again wore that uniform

without a though about her. That might have been good.

After graduating, in 1969, my first two assignments turned out to be in

Vietnam. The first 8 months out of school I was transporting Korean troops

from Pusan to Vietnam and taking 1 year vets home. (the group going home

was always smaller and much quieter) Following that I got a ship that

wasn’t supposed to be going there but ended up going to Vietnam forever. We

shuttled containers from Cam Rhan Bay to Saigon, Qui Nhon and Da Nang, back

and forth. The ship was shot at several times and hit once.

I went there dubious of our need to be involved, and while there fell in

love with the beauty of the country, and its people. I read and studied its

history and politics, and when I left after being there for about a year and

a half, I was no longer dubious. We were not there for the right reasons,

we were clearly not there for the Vietnamese and we were doing much more

harm than good. The body count kept rising, there was a big dent in the

number of baby boomers, but the sheer number of Vietnamese who were killed

was staggering.

My conclusion is that war has no winners. All losers, some worse than

others, the poor of both countries were devastated the most. Wealthy

Americans got deferments, or at worst, some post at Cubi in the Philippines

counting beer kegs at the O’Club. A very few ended up as officers away from

the fray, some like Kerry actually saw combat. Poor Americans were grunts,

and had a terrible rate of repatriation.

I am sure that we need a military, but wish we could take our lessons from

Switzerland. Train everyone, build fortifications at home, be ready to

defend, maybe even help police troubled areas so stability can be restored

but an offensive army is just that, offensive! Offensive to our values and

our Constitution and to the ideals of the founding fathers.

I wish I could thank that old lady!

Air America Appearance

I’ll be on Air America’s “Unfiltered” on Wednesday morning, at about 10:30, to discuss right-wing pro-Iraq War types who are now backpedaling. If the left had been as wrong as the right has been on Iraq, we’d be losing our jobs right and left, totally discredited. But the right shrugs it off and moves right along. Why the double standard?


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The Onion

Better than a Pulitzer and a World Series trophy combined, I’ve been mentioned/lampooned in this week’s Onion!

In an article headlined “Nation’s Liberals Suffering From Outrage Fatigue”, there’s this tidbit:

“For a while, I wanted more fuel for the fire, to really get my blood boiling,” said Madison, WI resident Dorothy Levine, a reproductive-rights activist and former Howard Dean campaign volunteer. “I read the policy papers on the Brookings web site. I subscribed to The Progressive. I clipped cartoons by Tom Tomorrow and Ted Rall. I listened to NPR all day. But then, it was like, while I was reading Molly Ivins’ Bushwhacked, eight more must-read anti-Bush books came out. It was overwhelming. By the time they released Fahrenheit 9/11, I was too exhausted to drag myself to the theater.”

Sniff. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Shout Out to Jonathan Walsh

You sent me a money order from Japan but no address as to where to send your book. Which book did you want and where shall I send it? Please email me at
