Muslims 85% More Moral Than Western Leaders

Nearly five years after 9/11, add Great Britain to the list of Western Countries That Still Don’t Get It. Buried amid the pile of usual handwringing over “homegrown” Muslim terrorists in today’s New York Times is this:

An opinion survey published Tuesday in The Times of London, for instance, said 13 percent of British Muslims believed that the bombers should be viewed as “martyrs” and that 7 percent felt suicide attacks on civilians were justifiable.

Another recent survey by the Washington-based Pew Global Attitudes Project found that 15 percent of British Muslims believed violence against civilian targets could “sometimes” be justified.

We’re supposed to be shocked, right? All I could think about, after I read the above, was how shockingly low those numbers really are. Compare these two factoids:

First: 7 to 15 percent of British Muslims think it’s OK to murder civilians

Second: 100 percent of British prime ministers and American presidents think it’s OK to murder civilians

Why isn’t there an analogous article about that?

Mind Over Food Matter

In the course of doing research for my next trip to Central Asia, I came across this review, complete with photos, of the food served on Tajikistan Airlines. (Apparently this site reviews food on other carriers as well.) You hardly need my testimony to take issue with the rather generous assessment of these, um, “meals.” Just look at the photos!

My favorite quote: “Very not bad for an economy class.”

Second best: “Much better than expected, for a short flight over the mountains on a little 30 seat plane. Nicely done, Tajikistan Airlines!”

Compared to what?

Econoculture Interview

There’s a fairly lengthy interview with me at Econoculture. Because it was a phone interview, and one conducted over an international phone line at that, there are a number of transcription errors—most of which be obvious to intelligent readers. However, I do touch upon enough points of interest that I thought it worth pointing out here. I hope you enjoy it.

Right-wing bloggers owe me one cent for each citation.

America Gone Wild Release Date

Alf wants to know:

Approximately when is America Gone Wild due for release. I can order it through, but they don’t give a date.

Or you can order it from your friendly local bricks-and-mortar bookstore. Either way is fine, though if you have a choice it’s always good to patronize good stores lest they go out of business and you feel all sad and stuff the way I felt when Cody’s went under on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley and realized that I had actually never, ever purchased a book there even though I lived nearby for more than a year.

Oh, the release date: Looks like late September or October. Advance orders are extremely helpful as they help bookstores gauge interest in a new title.

Critics can always get an advance galley for review.

You Decide

Elizabeth asks:

Hope this finds you well. The link below is for a parody of “Lola”, called “Coulter”. I don’t know if the author got the idea from your cartoon, but it sure seemed that way to me! I thought I’d pass it along. Enjoy:

“Terror Widows”: The Last Word

A number of articles and blogs have compared my March 2002 “terror widows” cartoon about media coverage of opportunistic 9/11 survivors Lisa Beamer, Ted Olsen and Mariane Pearl with Ann Coulter’s remarks about the “Jersey Girls,” 9/11 widows who have pressed the Bush Administration for answers about the terrorist attacks. Interestingly, there’s been some amnesia among right-wing commentators, some of whom posit that Ann is catching hell while I got away scot-free with the same exact remarks.

Well, for one thing, they’re not the same remarks. For another, I received numerous death threats and lost clients as a result of commenting on the commodification of grief. Don’t believe me? Check out my upcoming collection of cartoons AMERICA GONE WILD. It includes a 35,000-word foreword detailing the hate mail, threats of death and dismemberment, client cancellations and the hypocritical behavior that originally inspired my “terror widows” cartoon. Anyone interested in the truth behind the myth should give it a read.

Silk Road to Ruin

I just finished reviewing the page proofs for “Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the Middle East?”, and they look great! I can’t wait to see the final books, which will first be shipped directly to me at the Comicon in San Diego. They go on sale at the Comicon on July 19 at the NBM booth. Books will start appearing in stores in August.

Reviewers interested in receiving a review copy or advance PDF should contact me at

I will be offering my usual signed copies, for cover price plus priority shipping, in August and September.

Bulk Discount on Original Art and Books!

It’s that time again–time to buy something I can’t afford but desperately need. In this case it’s a new laptop. I figure it’ll run $2000, including taxes and software and loading it up so it’ll do everything I need it to do.

Here’s where you come in.

If you have $2000 to send me via PayPal, you will receive an extraordinary amount of Ted Rall artwork, marked two-thirds off the regular price of $500 each. In short, you’ll get ten (10) originals of your choice. Anything is available, including my work for MAD and other publications, provided I still have it and haven’t sold it to someone else. Yes, the vast majority of my work is available. No, “terror widows” isn’t.

To sweeten the pot, I’ll throw in a complete set of my books, signed to your specifications.

E-mail if you’re interested.

Cleveland ATTITUDE 3 Signing Today

Cartoonist Matt Bors will be signing copies of Attitude 3: The New Subversive Online Cartoonist with Brian McFadden of Big Fat Whale at Mac’s Backs on Coventry Road in Cleveland starting at 6 pm. If you need more incentive to get out of your house than the chance to meet two brilliant cartoonists, they will be set up smack in the middle of the Coventry Street Fair where there will be music, merchants, and food.

You can also order a copy of Attitude 3 from Matt’s online store and Matt will draw a sketch in it.

Columnist’s Take on Coulter and Me

Phil Reisman’s column in The (Westchester County) Journal-News discusses the parallels and differences between Ann Coulter and yours truly, specifically relating to our comments about 9/11 widows. I have to hand it to Ann; she’s really going to the bank by plagiarizing my comments from March 2002 in her “new” book.

Among Reisman’s comments:

How soon we forget.

Ann Coulter, the self-styled uber-babe of the right, wasn’t the first pundit to characterize the relatively small contingent of vocal Sept. 11 widows as self-aggrandizing, media hounds who have capitalized on the deaths of their husbands. She’s merely the first to make money out of it.

Coulter’s political opposite, the syndicated cartoonist Ted Rall, made ground chuck out of the sacred-cow widows a long time ago. But unlike Coulter, he’s talented, original and often funny.

He also paid a price for his searing commentary.


Both Rall and Coulter tapped into this zeitgeist, and depending on how you feel about them, they were either offensive in the telling or right on the mark.

At least Rall had the guts to do it first.

Rall sees that as his job. And without complaint, he lets the chips fall where they may.

Rall noted how he and Coulter are often compared. They’re both glib and flippant.

“I think the difference is that I’m interested in getting to the truth,” Rall said.

“I’m going to say something that she will never say, which is that I reserve the right to one day become a right-wing conservative. I reserve the right to come to a completely different conclusion. I don’t guarantee anyone that I will always be a liberal.

“She’ll never say the opposite, and that’s the difference.”

Check it out.
