Shoutout to Angelenos

If you want me to give a talk or sign books in the L.A. area, please get in touch at I’ll be there in a few weeks.

Ted Rall in NYC

I’ll be doing a joint book signing, with “Minimum Security” cartoonist Stephanie McMillan twice next week. The first event takes place this coming Monday, April 14th.

Here are the details:

Where: Bluestockings
When: Monday, April 14, 7 pm
Admission: $1 to $3 Suggested
Resistance Through Ridicule
with Stephanie McMillan and Ted Rall

Kickin’ ass and taking names, political cartoonists Ted Rall and Stephanie McMillan show their newest comics and lead a discussion about politics, ecocide, the evil-in-the-system, and resistance. Ted Rall’s editorial cartoons are published each week in our nation’s papers, and “America Gone Wild” is his newest book. Stephanie McMillan is the creator of the strip “Minimum Security,” and co-authored the graphic novel “As the World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay In Denial” with Derrick Jensen.

Three More Hours

Just a reminder that the original for this cartoon is about to be auctioned off on eBay, three hours from now.

Podcast Interview

I was interviewed by the Philadelphia Daily News on Saturday. You can listen to the podcast

Canny Comment
posted by Susan Stark

Take a good look at the graph above. This represents the New York Times circulation from 1993 to 2006. The article that this graph was printed in did alot of hand-wringing about the cause of this decline, but of course they didn’t mention the obvious:

The first decline is at 1994-95. This represents when people started using the Internet for their information.

The second sharp decline begins at 2002, when the NYT started lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There continues to be a steady, continuous decline from there to 2006.

Unfortunately, we don’t have stats from 2007-8, but the article states that the Times had to lay people off recently, so it’s not getting any better.

This is what happens when you become a Mouthpiece of the State, instead of a newspaper that investigates and reports the truth.

Upcoming NYC Book Signings

I’ll be doing a joint book signing, with “Minimum Security” cartoonist Stephanie McMillan twice next month: April 14th and 21st.

The first event will be at Bluestockings on Monday, April 14, at 7 pm:

$1 to $3 Suggested
Resistance Through Ridicule
with Stephanie McMillan and Ted Rall
Kickin’ ass and taking names, political cartoonists Ted Rall and Stephanie McMillan show their newest comics and lead a discussion about politics, ecocide, the evil-in-the-system, and resistance. Ted Rall’s editorial cartoons are published each week in our nation’s papers, and “America Gone Wild” is his newest book. Stephanie McMillan is the creator of the strip “Minimum Security,” and co-authored the graphic novel “As the World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay In Denial” with Derrick Jensen.

The second event will be Monday, April 21, also at 7 pm:
Idlewild Books
12 W. 19th St.
between Fifth and Sixth Avenues). It will be sponsored by
Revolution Books, which is across the street.

Ted Rall in Philadelphia/Book Offer

I’ll be appearing at this Saturday’s leftie blogfest EscaCon08. I’ll be appearing from 10:30 to 12:00 noon at the “Comedy and Political Critique” panel. In conjunction with the event, you can order signed copies of several of my books at discounted prices (10% off) using the following buttons.

Note: You can order even if you’re not attending. I will deactivate this offer in a few weeks.

To buy America Gone Wild, click:

To buy Silk Road to Ruin” click:

To buy Generalissimo El Busho:

To buy Attitude 3:

To buy Wake Up, You’re Liberal!:

Shoutout: Ted Rall Needs a Website Redesign

The person I had in mind to redo this website is totally swamped with other projects and can’t do it. Therefore, I am sending this out into the world.

I need someone who can update the 1995-vintage site to something cool and modern without losing its simplicity or functionality.

I can’t afford much, but this is a paying job. So this would be a good gig for someone who likes to work with a lot of creative freedom and could use a relatively high-profile reference in his or her online portfolio.

If you or someone you know is interested, please email me at
