On July 22-25 I’ll be signing copies of “The Year of Loving Dangerously” at the
San Diego Comicon at the San Diego Convention Center. This will be my last public appearance before leaving for Afghanistan.
I hope to meet you at the NBM Publishing booth on the following days and times:
Thursday, 7/22: 2:30 – 4:00
Friday, 7/23: 4:00 – 5:30
Saturday, 7/24: 2:30 – 4:00
Sunday, 7/25: 10:30 – 12 noon
P.S. A major, comprehensive book tour of the Pacific Northwest, New England and the Mid-Atlantic states is planned for “The Anti-AmerIcan Manifesto” in September and October. If you live in those regions and want to add your city to my tour, please get in touch.
If you live in another region and can sponsor an appearance, also get in touch!