Silly Moderates

There’s a NYT Book Review piece today that contains this nugget:

At work, Malcomson struggles to make sense of his country’s new imperial tenor, inviting seasoned policy makers like George Shultz, Richard Holbrooke and James Baker to submit opinion pieces that he hopes will calm the national appetite for war. Ultimately frustrated that the White House has engineered an invasion of Iraq with little evidence and almost no debate, Malcomson quits journalism and goes to work for the United Nations, hopeful that he can roll up his sleeves and at last really do something.

The Malcolmson in question was an Op/Ed editor at the Times.

Here is a succinct summary of why, in a nation without a leftist party, moderates serve only to enable the Right. What moderates like Malcolmson don’t get is that you don’t counter right-wing arguments like Bush’s drive to invade Iraq with “reasonable” conservatives. You counter them with aggressive left-wing counterarguments.

By the way: The Anti-American Manifesto arrives in stores this week. And it looks great.


  • I’m not signed up for the Afghan blog — you’re back?? very worried

  • ok, found your tweets. relieved.

  • I wish for a revolution, but I have lost hope.

    Mr. Rall and my old friend Mr. Wilson from Austin are both Marxists. Mr. Wilson scoffs at Mr. Rall as a tool of the Capitalists. I’m sure, if Mr. Rall knew Mr. Wilson, he’d scoff at Mr. Wilson. It’s like the anti-Roman sects in ‘Life of Bryan.’

    Like all religions, Marxists degenerated into sectarianism, with each sect denouncing all the others. They can’t use the term ‘heretic’ since that would imply that Marxism has a religious scent, a scent all Marxists must avoid at all costs. So they use other terms. I, of course, prefer ‘heretic’ since it’s a good English word from the Greek for ‘wrong choice.’ But I’m not a Marxist.

    My friend Wilson says he’s not a Truther, but he accepts many of the Truther arguments. Whatever that means.

    My friend Wilson says he only believes in science, by which he means Marx: anything not in Marx is pseudo-science.

    I’m not altogether clear what Mr. Rall believes, although he is a professed Marxist. But being a professed Marxist is like being a professed Christian: it covers the gamut from Russian Orthodox to Mormon.

  • You counter them with aggressive left-wing counterarguments.

    Justin Raimondo countered them then with non-leftist facts, as he still does now, but it’s not like your mainstream leftist friends in the ditto media wanted to listen. Then or now.
    Michael, you’re exactly right about Marxism being a religion. Its deity is History, spelled with a capital H.

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