Afghan Notebook #36


  • First off, since you’ve got this cartoon up, we’ll assume you made it through the night, co congratulations on still being alive.

    On the topic of forces spawned by US occupations, I have to admit, the US seems to design and man these fores with men who tend to look sad, pathetic and un-intimidating. Is it an American attempt to make them look pathetic, what with the lousily designed and unnecessarily new uniforms (like the Iraqi Army) or the always sad looking Afghan forces? I don’t know. But it sure is a coincidence that all these American created collaborationist forces look like the masculinity was surgically removed from them.

  • “…Their ranks attract the dimwitted and desparata (sic)

    What’s so different from the police labor force everywhere else?

  • […] Ted Rall and Matt Bors — the artist on my new graphic novel — are in Afghanistan to chronicle the plight […]

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