Ted Rall Live in Seattle Tonight

Wednesday, October 13th
I’ll be at one of America’s premier independent bookstores, Elliot Bay Books in Seattle, tonight at 6 pm. The address is:
1521 10th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 624-6600

Also today will see my first two big clashes with conservative radio hosts.

Tune in to the
The Michael Medved Show from 1:00-2:00 pm Pacific/4:00-5:00 Eastern time today. You can call in with your questions.

Thanks to the magic of pre-taping, I’ll simultaneously be on WOR Radio in New York, with Steve Malzberg, starting at 4:30 pm Eastern time.

Tonight in Tacoma

If you’re in Tacoma with a free evening, come see me tonight at 7 pm at King’s Books
218 Saint Helens Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 272-8801

I’ll be at Eliot Bay Book Co. tomorrow night at 6 pm too.

SYNDICATED COLUMN: How to Save American Capitalism, in 808 Words

Advice Obama Has To Ignore

American capitalism is broken. So is the Democratic-Republican duopoly that supports it. Neither can be fixed. The system is collapsing. A power vacuum is beginning to open.

As murderous as our dying system is, it still features a veneer of sanity. What comes next will certainly be worse. It will probably be Very Bad. Dictatorship? A 21st century po-mo variant of fascism? Warlordism? A Christianist Taliban-style terror state, as depicted in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel “The Handmaid’s Tale”?

Before moronic right-wing tyrants seize power, I urge in my new book “The Anti-American Manifesto,” the left should do it first. Well, first they have to become a big-L Left: organized, and with a program the people of the Soon-to-be Former United States of America can get behind.

Readers and critics agree with my analysis of the situation. But, they complain, my “Manifesto” doesn’t contain that political program.

That’s intentional. The “Manifesto” is a call to arms. Everyone, left to right, is invited to join the revolution. Our common enemy—corporate leeches and their political lapdogs—is mortally wounded but still vicious. This isn’t the time, as the Chinese would say, for splittism. Besides, at 288 pages it’s already too long for a manifesto. With a detailed program it would have been 500.

Still, people keep asking me: What would you do, Ted Rall?

Maybe it’s perverse, but my best answer is to list what I’d tell Obama to do if he wanted to save himself, the Democrats, and the capitalist system.

Don’t worry. He won’t.

He can’t.

His bosses won’t allow it.

If I were Obama, my first act would be to shut down the banking system and securities markets for a week or two. Why? To prevent the capital flight that might follow what comes next. I’d announce that any attempt to transfer money or securities overseas during this period would be prosecuted as an act of treason.

Next I’d order an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops, contractors and sub-contractors from Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, and all foreign military bases around the world. We’re an overextended empire inviting blowback all over the place. No more.

It would be moral. The world would be happy. It would make us safer. However, my primary motivation would be to stop chucking hundreds of billions down the military rathole while Americans are losing their jobs and their homes. $4 to $6 billion a week on Afghanistan and Iraq alone. Can anyone explain why we still have thousands of soldiers in the DMZ between the two Koreas? Or in Okinawa? Bring the 600,000-plus men and women in uniform, and the millions of support personnel who aren’t, home.

Obama doesn’t need congressional approval. He can bring the troops home by executive order.

Next up: nationalizations. “Tough on crime” shouldn’t be limited to individual citizens. Rob a 7-Eleven and you go to prison for many years. If it’s your third felony, for life. You lose everything. Companies deemed “too big to fail,” many of which are run by criminals whose monstrous deeds make Charles Manson look like a piker, should get the same treatment or worse.

Jail the executives. Seize their personal assets. And nationalize their companies.

Citigroup alone is worth $14 trillion. That should pay for some extensions of unemployment benefits.

BP’s North American operations? Ours. Sell off the assets. Use the cash to pay for the cleanup in the Gulf of Mexico and to compensate the victims.

Too harsh? Corporations can easily avoid this awful fate. They can obey the law.

Once the U.S. government has added BP, GM, AIG, Goldman Sachs, and other miscreants to its portfolio, trillions will be rolling into the treasury. China will start borrowing money from us.

What to do with all that loot?

Well, we’ll have a bunch of unemployed soldiers and military contractors. Between them and those who lost their jobs during the last few years we’ll need to create between 10 and 20 million new jobs. So we will. Let’s build the high-speed rail system the U.S. should have created 40 years ago. We’ll be able to afford true healthcare reform, a.k.a. socialized medicine. That means more hospitals, more doctors, more jobs.

Let’s rehab the 20 million abandoned homes nationwide so that the world’s richest nation can finally house its homeless. Let’s repair and update long-neglected infrastructure.

Oh, and let’s put an end to the insanity of home foreclosures. Not only do evictions speed downward mobility, empty houses ruin neighborhoods. If you can’t pay your mortgage or rent because you lost your job, don’t worry—we’ll work out a solution.

After all, we the people will own your bank—and thus your note.

The U.S. economy is broken. But the U.S. remains spectacularly rich.

Let’s stop pretending we’re poor. All we need to do to save ourselves is unlock the wealth being hoarded by corporate pigs.

(Ted Rall is the author of “The Anti-American Manifesto,” now in stores. His website is tedrall.com.)


Today: 2 Radio Interviews, & Live in Olympia

Columbus Day is upon us, and what better way to celebrate a holiday that almost no one gets off from work than by working? At least I am.

I’m doing two radio interviews today. One is on
KBOO in Portland from 11:30 am to 12 noon Pacific time; the second one is on WINA Charlottesville, Virginia at 5:05 pm-5:30 pm Eastern time.

You can livestream both.

In addition, I’m appearing live at 6 pm tonight at Orca Books in Olympia, Washington. Should be a good time.

As always, check rall.com/events for future appearances. Midwest and Southern appearances are now being scheduled as well.

The Pretense of Israeli Democracy

Posted by Susan Stark

For decades now, the State of Israel has been able to enjoy the status of being “the only democracy in the Middle East”. I’ve personally known this to be a pretense for years, although most people in the US still believe it. But now even that may be coming to an end. I received this disturbing email from an Israeli peace activist named Adam Keller:

“This week Israel’s security forces practiced the putting down of mass demonstrations and protests among Israel’s Arab citizens and their imprisonment in a large detention camp to be established at Golani Junction in Galilee. The exercise was based on a scenario of the riots being provoked by implementation of Avigdor Lieberman’s plan for “an exchange of populations”, i.e. massively depriving Arabs of their Israeli citizenship. A week ago Lieberman voiced this heinous idea on the podium of the UN Assembly General and Prime Minister Netanyahu murmured some weak reservations. Now it turns out that the security forces are already preparing to implement it in practice, under the responsibility of none other than Labor Party leader Ehud Barak – the Minister of Defence. It goes without saying that in a country having any pretence to be a democracy it would be unacceptable and unthinkable for the security forces to practice waging war against the country’s own citizens. Together with the racist “Loyalty Oath Bill”
which gained the support of the government, and with the demonstrative resumption of settlement construction in the Occupied Territories, it increasingly seems that Lieberman is the true Prime Minister, and that the government follows on his path, leading the State of Israel in big and rapid strides into the abyss.”


Audio File of Ted Rall Interview

I was on KAOS radio, 89.3FM Olympia, last night. If you missed the interview, you can listen here. Or not. Don’t miss a chance to have sex to listen to this. But if it’s this or going to church, this is better.

Quote of the Day

An interviewer on Sonoma, California radio just asked me for a taped interview: “How did you go from being a cartoonist to a seditionist?”

Funny, I thought they were synonyms.
