Today We Are All Muslims

As Rep. Peter King begins his witchhunt against Muslim Americans, I suggest that we take a cue from an apocryphal story about the monarchs of Holland Denmark, who supposedly wore the Star of David as a gesture of solidarity with Jews during the Nazi occupation.

All Americans, regardless of their faith or lack thereof, ought to label themselves as Muslim until Peter King is forced to resign in shame. Whether it’s a turban, skullcap, crescent moon symbol or a T-shirt that says “I am Muslim, we are all Muslim,” it’s time to stand strong against official racism and bigotry.

Please spread the word.


  • Wear a t-shirt that says “I am Muslim, we are all Muslim”? I don’t think so. Sorry to tell the truth, but Muslims are intolerant as the next religion. I have no intention of getting my head sawed off on the internet because I wore a t-shirt that offendend Allah. Thanks, but no thanks.

  • no one’s telling you to wear a tshirt with a picture of muhammad on it. and that’s exactly the point. why is it okay for christians and jews to have extremist elements in their religions but not muslims? no one puts the vast majority of christians and jews who are peaceful on trial when one of their members engages in violence. but when it’s a muslim, all muslims are presumed guilty. that is unamerican.

  • I think this whole “war on terrorism” has been just a “war on Muslims.” And not just a war on Muslims, but a war on peaceful Muslims. We have seen that during the outrage over the Cordoba House, some people have just become batshit insane over it.

  • King is one of the most despicable low-life degenerate in that gang of career criminals known as the Congress od the USA. This chauvinist and intolerant nonsense in the guise of “fighting terrorism” now coming from a man who, for years, supported in word and deed the most violent factions of a reborn IRA. To think I once lived in his district…

    Let’s see if his silly witch-hunt for “radicalized” muslims uncovers the radicalization being fostered by FBI patsies and entrapment operations, generously financed with your taxpayer dollars. Better yet, let’s see if the mainstream media writes about that.

    NB: I am all for Britain out of Ireland, it’s the warmongering I’m against.

  • Oh, BTW, Albert, the Cordoba House kerfuffle ain’t got nothin on this. Disgusting…
    Like I said many times before, I don’t care for most of your commie musings, but on this we think along the same lines. May I add, you “progressives” who don’t swallow all the bull the Democrats throw at you, must reach out across ideological lines to save your country from impending fascism.

  • Peter King who supports the Irish Republican Army is a member of another terrorist organization, the Long Island Army of Republicans, or LIAR for short. 🙂

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