Senators say we, the people, would be seriously pissed off if we knew what the federal government was doing under the Patriot Act.
So, why don’t they tell us? Don’t they supposedly work for us?
Senators say we, the people, would be seriously pissed off if we knew what the federal government was doing under the Patriot Act.
So, why don’t they tell us? Don’t they supposedly work for us?
Interesting that we take for granted that a Serbian war criminal gets a trial while Osama bin Laden simply gets assassinated.
In the greater scheme of things, Serbia is more of a nation of laws than the US.
…after you cut Defense 95% and tax the rich 95% of income and assets. Until them, Democrats will keep beating the Republicans like a drum with this issue.
According to the Census Bureau, marriage is the new non-normal.
Structural unemployment is changing society in fundamental ways. We’ll be assessing the results for years to come.
For one thing, “The Lockhorns” may resonate less fiercely.
Like many other media outlets, the New York Times treats cartoonists as unpersons. Check out this piece about Israel:
A cartoon in the centrist newspaper Yediot Aharonot illustrated the concern. It showed Mr. Netanyahu’s returning plane flying near a volcano. Inside the plane someone says, “All in all, it was a very successful visit.” From the volcano, smoke rises that spells out “S-E-P-T-E-M-B-E-R.”
Newspapers and airwaves were filled with similar commentary. Avi Dichter, a former head of the Shin Bet internal security service and a Parliament member from the centrist Kadima Party, said on Israel Radio, “My fear is that this round of speeches in the United States may leave us and the Palestinians with a closed door.” He added, “It is impossible that in the present reality in the Middle East and here between the sea and the Jordan River we have no next step.”
Who drew the cartoon? We don’t know. But they namecheck the radio host.
The typical usage–“A cartoon in the New Yorker…”–is offensive to those of us who try to produce art that is non-interchangeable. We complain; they promise to change; they never do.
Sarah Palin might run.
Don’t laugh–OK, laugh. But I think she could win. Not just the nomination, mainly because of anti-Mormon bigotry in the GOP, but the presidency.
The rage of the 20% unemployed, the 99ers, etc., could create a tsunami. Obama will pay for ignoring the economic disaster.
There’s still hope for Obama when he faces his war crimes trial: an insanity defense.
Seriously, it’s nice to see this ruling. Too often, people who are mentally impaired are thrown in prison rather than given the help they need.
Here’s part of my interview on The Young Turks. Fortunately I didn’t cough. Stupid allergies.
David Swanson and I were ruminating about why Americans are so apathetic in the face of corporate and governmental perfidy. He has written a good piece resulting from that chat.