Listening to the Kinks’ “Low Budget” LP. Track: “Attitude.”
I’d forgotten how much fun this period, not their best, was.
Listening to the Kinks’ “Low Budget” LP. Track: “Attitude.”
I’d forgotten how much fun this period, not their best, was.
John Edwards is accused of something laughably trivial.
It is downright surreal to see him pilloried for misappropriation of campaign funds while total scum like Bush and Obama relax, unmolested, despite lying the American people into wars that are bankrupting us and murdering hundreds of thousands of people.
The Democrats and Tea-publicans are equally worthless on job creation. Both point to encouraging businesses to hire. (Rs say they need lower taxes and deregulation. Ds say business is spooked by the threat of government shutdowns and threats not to make good on federal obligations.) Both are wrong.
Recovery would begin with consumer spending. For that to happen, consumers need more disposable cash. Whether that’s from extended unemployment benefits for the 99ers, or big public works hiring and WOA-style projects, the government has to jumpstart the economy.
Despooking business won’t help. They won’t start hiring until they have more customers to sell to.
Amazingly, the two parties want to see an American Spring, Yemen-style.
Alabama has just surpassed Arizona with new nativist legislation.
The good news is, it won’t be too hard to boycott Alabama.
Don’t do anything stupid, Hawaii!
So apparently prison in Venezuela is more fun than a job in an American office.
Hugo Chavez, please invade!
These politicians! An Ohio Congressman claims someone hacked into his fake Twitter account. My head hurts, and not just from seasonal allergies.
There ought to be a law: if a politicians’ name is on a tweet–or a New York Times op/ed piece–he or she ought to have written it.
Coming soon: The bizarre spectacle of the GOP-controlled House voting on a Dennis Kucinich-sponsored bill against Obama’s oil war against Libya.
The vote was already delayed because (horrors!) it might pass, triggering a devastating peace.
It’ll be interesting to watch if the GOP takes on the War Party (Obama’s pseudo-Democrats).
The infamous greeting to Auschwitz is being moved inside.
To the entrance of which workplace?
So hard to choose one. They should make copies.
The infamous greeting to Auschwitz is being moved inside.
To the entrance of which workplace?
So hard to choose one. They should make copies.
The infamous greeting to Auschwitz is being moved inside.
To the entrance of which workplace?
So hard to choose one. They should make copies.