Cartoon Auction is On!

If you missed out on the last auction, you have another chance. A new auction has just begun.

Starting bid is 99 cents. Buy It Now Price is $500.

The winner gets the right to choose a cartoon for me to draw a cartoon about.

Previous winners have had me draw about:
Animal rights
The uncertainty surrounding the space program
Ashton Kutcher replacing Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men.

Good luck!

Cartoon Auction

Happy post-Memorial Day! If you missed and/or lost last week’s cartoon auction, have no fear! A new one goes up later today.

Cracks Me Up

These lines from a piece about the accused Serbian war criminal cracked me up:

So was his opinion of himself: He nicknamed himself “God,” and kept goats which he was said to have named after Western leaders he despised.

Goats! Imagine the gall.

Thank God he never named a yak after Chirac.

Help Me Out re: Newt

Newt Gingrich looks like a pig and has politics to match, but I don’t understand how it’s hypocritical for a rich guy like him to buy expensive jewelry at Tiffany’s while extolling the virtues of a balanced federal budget.

What does one have to do with the other? Seriously?

This reminds me of John Edwards’ $400 haircut. What are these rich guys supposed to do with their money? Not spend it?

Obama to Judiciary: Drop Dead

The Obama Administration has once again gone further than Bush. While previous presidents have argued against the release of classified information, no one has ever before had the temerity to tell a federal judge to fuck off.

Obama has expanded the idea of the Unitary Executive into dictatorship–but don’t complain because if you do you’re a racist, and anyway, he sure inherited a huge mess from Bush.

Winner: Ashton Kutcher

The winner of this week’s cartoon auction has decided to challenge me. I always think I can draw anything! We’ll see.

For $251 Lee Aronsohn will have me draw a cartoon about Ashton Kutcher replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men, a topic my mainstream colleagues would heartily embrace.

This week’s winner gets reprint rights and the original art.

If you lost this auction, don’t worry. I’ll post a new one soon.

Did You Sign Up for Regime Change in Libya, Obamabots?

That’s what we’re getting: another neo-con, imperialist attempt to overthrow a Muslim government.

Obama’s Libyan war was sold to fake liberals as a short-term operation to protect Libyan civilians.

Now we’re arming and funding radical Islamists in tanks and attempting to assassinate Qaddafi. We’ve created a stalemate, a bloody quagmire in which two evenly-matched foes will fight on forever.

From the NYT:

In interviews in Washington, at NATO headquarters in Brussels and in the alliance’s southern command center in Naples, Italy, officials have described a new strategy to intensify the pressure — and drive out Colonel Qaddafi, a goal that officials now privately acknowledge extends beyond the boundaries of the United Nations mandate to protect civilians.

This week they are intensifying attacks on government targets in Tripoli, the Libyan capital. They plan to step up the effort even more this week, with the arrival of a dozen French and four British attack helicopters that can hit targets more precisely in and around Tripoli, but are also more vulnerable to ground fire.

This isn’t what the Obamabots signed up for. But this is what they’re getting. And just watch: they’ll justify it.

Because they will defend ANYTHING Obama does.

Did You Sign Up for Regime Change in Libya, Obamabots?

That’s what we’re getting: another neo-con, imperialist attempt to overthrow a Muslim government.

Obama’s Libyan war was sold to fake liberals as a short-term operation to protect Libyan civilians.

Now we’re arming and funding radical Islamists in tanks and attempting to assassinate Qaddafi. We’ve created a stalemate, a bloody quagmire in which two evenly-matched foes will fight on forever.

From the NYT:

In interviews in Washington, at NATO headquarters in Brussels and in the alliance’s southern command center in Naples, Italy, officials have described a new strategy to intensify the pressure — and drive out Colonel Qaddafi, a goal that officials now privately acknowledge extends beyond the boundaries of the United Nations mandate to protect civilians.

This week they are intensifying attacks on government targets in Tripoli, the Libyan capital. They plan to step up the effort even more this week, with the arrival of a dozen French and four British attack helicopters that can hit targets more precisely in and around Tripoli, but are also more vulnerable to ground fire.

This isn’t what the Obamabots signed up for. But this is what they’re getting. And just watch: they’ll justify it.

Because they will defend ANYTHING Obama does.
