New Cartoon Auction Up; Bid Starts at 99 cents!

Last week’s eBay cartoon auction finished a few minutes ago. Final price was $115.00. Didn’t get it? No worries. A new auction has just gone up.

I have just posted a new cartoon auction on eBay.

Starting bid is 99 cents; the Buy It Now price is $500. Winner gets to pick the topic of the cartoon. She or he also may reprint it or donate the reprint rights. They also get the original cartoon artwork. I also may syndicate the cartoons that result from this. So far all of them have been syndicated. Of course, this is also a great way to support my work. Thanks for bidding!

NPR Blackballs Freelancer for Occupying DC

Lisa Simeone is one of hundreds of people I met at the October 2011 Stop the Machine occupation of Freedom Plaza in Washington DC. [Media reports say she was at Occupy DC. Wrong. Different protest, different location, similar goals.]

She is beautiful, elegant, charming, and—like tens of thousands of Americans—exercising her First Amendment rights to protest the inequities of the current system. Like the protest itself, Lisa was strictly non-violent at all times.

Lisa is a freelance producer for “World of Opera,” which is recorded at a small radio station in North Carolina. “World of Opera” is distributed by NPR. Its content is apolitical. Lisa is not on staff at NPR or at the NC station.

On Wednesday NPR discovered Lisa Simeone’s attendance at Stop the Machine in DC. That same day, NPR persuaded a company for which Simeone worked to fire her. This is 1950s-style, neo-McCarthyite blackballing. Her income has been halved.

NPR staff received the following email:

From:NPR Communications
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 6:12 PM
Subject: From Dana Rehm: Communications Alert
To: All Staff
Fr: Dana Davis Rehm [TR: Rehm is Senior Vice President for Marketing, Communications, and External Relations] Re: Communications Alert

We recently learned of World of Opera host Lisa Simeone’s participation in an Occupy DC [sic] group. World of Opera is produced by WDAV, a music and arts station based in Davidson, North Carolina. The program is distributed by NPR. Lisa is not an employee of WDAV or NPR; she is a freelancer with the station.

We’re in conversations with WDAV about how they intend to handle this. We of course take this issue very seriously.

As a reminder, all public comment (including social media) on this matter is being managed by NPR Communications.

All media requests should be routed through NPR Communications at 202.513.2300 or We will keep you updated as needed. Thanks.


NPR also blogged about this.

Roughly 3.5 hours after the above email was sent, Simeone was fired by a show called Soundprint for being “unethical.”

Soundprint does touch on politics and includes political viewpoint in Simeone’s ledes, but it is not an NPR program and is not distributed by NPR. It is, however, heard on public radio stations. Despite the title “NPR World of Opera,” that show is produced by WDAV, for which Simeone contracts. WDAV has not expressed any concern over Simeone’s “ethics.”

Simeone responded: “I find it puzzling that NPR objects to my exercising my rights as an American citizen—the right to free speech, the right to peaceable assembly—on my own time in my own life. I’m not an NPR employee. I’m a freelancer. NPR doesn’t pay me. I’m also not a news reporter. I don’t cover politics. I’ve never brought a whiff of my political activities into the work I’ve done for NPR World of Opera. What is NPR afraid I’ll do—insert a seditious comment into a synopsis of Madame Butterfly?”

“This sudden concern with my political activities is also surprising in light of the fact that Mara Liaason reports on politics for NPR yet appears as a commentator on Fox TV, Scott Simon hosts an NPR news show yet writes political op-eds for national newspapers, Cokie Roberts reports on politics for NPR yet accepts large speaking fees from businesses. Does NPR also send out ‘Communications Alerts’ about their activities?”

Indeed, there are clearly two standards of conduct at NPR: one for the big corporate shills like Cokie Roberts and another for low-paid freelancers like Simeone. Which is exactly the opposite of how things ought to be: if NPR wants to buy you, to control your political speech, it ought to cough up a full-time salary and full-time benefits. One of the few advantages of freelancing is freedom to think what you like and to say what you think.

Let NPR what you think. Call them at 202-513-2300 or email them at

Pass it on.

[By way of David Swanson:]

BONUS COLUMN: Think Flexibly, Revolt Locally

Due to a communications snafu, Al Jazeera English never published this column, which I wrote for them last week after participating in the occupation of Washington DC.

I just spent a week at one of the occupation protests in Washington. It was one of the most exciting and enlightening experiences of my life.

History will little note this factlet, but the October 2011 Stop the Machine protest was where the first major civil uprising since the 1960s began in the United States. Timed to begin on October 6, the tenth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, Stop the Machine has been in the works since last summer. Its organizers had a simple, novel idea: take over a public space, and don’t leave.

Post-Vietnam-era protests have been frustrating exercises of political theater, well-mannered affairs for which marching licenses are received from the police, self-appointed “peace police” patrol the perimeter to discourage left-wing hotheads from taking swings at the cops, and even the arrests are staged in cooperation with the authorities. People chant. They march. They go home. And little changes.

To be sure, the American Left has won some victories over the last few decades. Who, even as recently as 1990, would have guessed that gay and lesbian couples would soon be able to marry with the sanction of the state, that their wedding announcements would be published in the august New York Times? Though largely symbolic (since it will actually increase costs for most patients), Obama’s healthcare reform represented a rare concession: despite Reaganism, which asserted that we were all on our own and should expect no assistance from government, society has arrived at a rough consensus that certain basic needs are a human right.

But these have been small wins. The broad strokes of governance have shifted to the right. Much of what used to be considered the outer fringe of the far right is now taken for granted by both major political parties: a state of constant war, a military empire whose hundreds of bases circle the globe, brazen political assassinations that once occasioned Congressional hearings and official denials. And, of course, the economic catastrophe that began in 2008. Had something similar unfolded before the rise of Reagan, it is impossible to imagine the U.S. government ignoring the pleas of the evicted for relief, the shouts of the unemployed for extended benefits and (at bare minimum) a moratorium on housing foreclosures, many of them rushed and in some cases not even legally sanctioned.

It was inevitable, given its marginalization by the mainstream media and the two big parties, that the Left would take to the streets—and that it would do so using new tactics and strategies.

Unlike the standard choreographed protests of the 1980s and 1990s, not leaving—setting up tents and sleeping bags—is a direct challenge to state officialdom. It’s illegal. But it takes heavy-handed tactics—pepper spray, tear gas, batons—to evict demonstrators from an encampment. Police brutality arouses the anger of the public and exposes the generalized violence of the government.

A few months after we announced Stop the Machine, the Canadian “culture jammer” magazine Adbusters stole our idea. They invited people to Occupy Wall Street, a spontaneous political be-in which metastasized, and suffered arrests and brutality, and has since generated spinoffs in hundreds of American cities. It is the biggest set of protests since the 1960s.

Occupy wasn’t first. But they had a great name and better timing—not to mention the good luck to get brutalized on camera by New York police.

In Washington the occupation movement also includes the Occupy Wall Street spinoff Occupy D.C., eight blocks away from Stop the Machine. Occupy D.C.’s urban campers in McPherson Square are younger and whiter than Stop the Machine’s. As you’d expect, they’re wilder and more energetic. Stop the Machine is older (“people dress normal here” was one thing I heard a lot), more diverse and better organized. Again, as you’d expect.

We rented Portapotties.

No one should care about who came first. Revolution is open-source intellectual property. Results, not credit, matter. However, our goals are identical: addressing the needs of the 99 percent of Americans who are getting screwed by the political system, an end to America’s wars of choice, putting the planet first. The various strains of this movement should merge. The kids should lead. That said, they need the help and experience older activists are able to provide.

I’ve learned a lot during my last week as an occupier. Some of my basic assumptions about politics and revolt have been challenged.

I have wondered how revolution would come to the U.S., a country with highly decentralized governance. In many nations, you own the country if you capture the capital. Not here. An uprising in Washington wouldn’t close the deal; media and finance are in New York. And military bases are everywhere. Localized movements such as Occupy Boise, Occupy Madison and Occupy Dayton solve that problem. Like Russia’s councils of workers (“soviets”) the seizure of power will be viral and local.

The media is correct when its analysts say that social networking sites and the Web are important organizing and recruitment tools for activists. But the Occupy movement is even more of a response to and a reaction against the Internet. “Isn’t it amazing,” a woman asked me during a meeting of our Economics and Finance committee, “to actually meet and talk to people?”

It is amazing. It was, as the left-wing Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek (who spoke at Occupy Wall Street) might say, a triumph of the real.

Skype is cool. But it can’t replicate the experience of getting to know your fellow citizens day after day. You can’t just roll your eyes and click away from a 9/11 Truther or Ron Paul fan in person. They’re real. Not a cartoon. Not a caricature. Not a punchline. They function and raise kids and work jobs (or did until recently). You may disagree with them, but not about the important things. You’re both disgusted with the current state of affairs, with the current state that’s responsible for it. You differ on the details: how to fix what’s wrong. In person, you’re forced to respect everyone.

Like other pundits, I had been skeptical about the lack of specific demands coming out of the Occupations. I take it back. First of all, there are specific demands: end the wars, tax the rich, help the poor and middle class.

Now I’ve participated in general assemblies that require group consensus. I’ve spoken on a stage. I’ve taken up residence on the “soap box,” a small stage anyone can take over to start ranting about anything and everything. I’ve had countless conversations and debates and even shouting matches with one or two or groups of seven. It can be terribly frustrating. The problem is that the Occupation movement is a big tent. It includes old-school lefties, young anarchists, libertarians who might just as easily have joined the early Tea Party, revolutionists, and reformers who want to take over the Democratic Party from the left. Not only do you not share ideologies, you don’t share the same vocabularies. Sometimes you want to throw up your hands and walk away.

But you don’t. Because the big tent is not just a problem. It’s a blessing. True, ideological diversity means differences of opinion that can lead to temporary decision-making paralysis. Which isn’t bad. The longer we keep the media on tenterhooks about our demands, the more they’ll pay attention. The process of debating what we should demand also ensures that a wide range of ideas are heard—unlike the “mainstream” Democrat-Republican echo chamber, where a myriad of basic assumptions are never questioned. Besides, we’re trying to rebuild the political structure, economy and social relations of the United States from the ground up. These things take time. As they must. There will be specific demands. They must be carefully considered, both to reflect the true goals of the vast majority of the people and, of course, to be intelligently thought-out.

A movement’s growth is directly proportional to its willingness to confront the system. A fascist NYPD officer’s unprovoked pepper-spraying of four young women prompted thousands of New Yorkers to drop what they were doing to join Occupy Wall Street. The worst thing an oppressor can do is to kill his victims with kindness.

As the deadline for its permit to use Freedom Plaza drew near, the crowd at Washington’s Stop the Machine grew bigger. People were scared and excited at the prospect of arrest. The energy was palpable. “This is it, people,” an organizer told a General Assembly on D-Night. Then the U.S. Parks Police, which runs Freedom Plaza as federal land, pulled off a brilliant, unprecedented coup, offering to renew the permit for four months. (I can imagine the USPS cops snickering: “That brings you to February. Have fun in the snow.”)

Radicals need hard-ass authoritarians to push up against in order to expose themselves as monsters. Washington authorities gave us the soft pillow instead. Damn them. “What were we supposed to do?” organizer asked me. “How would it look if we turned down such an offer?”

People looked crestfallen. “I came here to do something,” said a fortysomething real estate broker from Los Angeles.

“We’re not an occupation. We’re a campground,” added a man in a tent next door. The next day, there were decidedly fewer people.

Cops 1, revolutionaries 0.

Meanwhile, Occupy D.C. remains illegal and unlicensed and thus edgier and more electric. (I assume #ODC, as the Twitter hashtag calls it, will move to Freedom Plaza if the cops kick them out.) Stop the Machine can use its safe haven a block from the White House to stage off-site actions to shut down government offices and generally raise hell. They’ll have to escalate and confront in order to remain relevant.

Another lesson concerns leadership. This movement is technically non-hierarchical, but where there are human beings there are always leaders. Stop the Machine’s permits had to be applied for. Equipment had to be rented. Websites to be built and so on. Those tasks fell to roughly a dozen people. They worked hard and they deserve credit; their actions may eventually lead to the overthrow of the U.S. government. Nevertheless, they ought to have done more to mix and mingle and thank the thousands of people who took time off from work and traveled from all over the country to risk arrest or worse. “Where the f—- are they?” was the refrain.

“I’ve been so busy,” an organizer told me when I told him about complaints that he was being called “one of the one percent of the 99 percent.” He was busy. So busy that neither he nor the other organizers spent a single night sleeping on the site. They thought they deserved a night at a hotel. Maybe so. But insularity is death. So is elitism. Whether in business or in a movement to abolish capitalism, leaders must work the hardest and take the biggest risks to earn respect.

It is easy to get co-opted by liberals, Democrats and other establishment progressives who—unlike us—basically accept the system as it is. At one point the AFL-CIO offered us a quid pro quo: they’d send thousands of union members to support us if we marched with them to Congress to back President Obama’s Americans Jobs Bill. It was tempting. The press would have been great. There was also guilt. “Do we really want to offend the AFL-CIO?” asked the union liaison.

“Yes!” someone shouted. Laughs. “We can’t be bought!” yelled someone else. So that ended well, with a whimper and a shrug of the union guy’s wide shoulders.

You may wonder why I keep referring to revolution and revolutionaries. I do so because this is a revolution. It may end in a hail of bullets, simple discouragement, with victory, or with victory followed by tyranny. All the same, it is a revolution. Like a school dance in which all the girls line one wall and the boys line the one opposite, we all know why we are there. We don’t have the numbers to smash the state. If and when we do, the waiting will end.

Then we’ll dance.

One can’t help wonder what is going through President Obama’s mind. “He’s got to be scared silly,” marveled a thirtyish computer coder from Silicon Valley. Her old job is in India now, no doubt paying a tiny fraction of what she earned. “Why doesn’t he doing anything?”

Indeed, Obama could put the Occupy movement out of business and ensure his reelection next year with a single speech. “I have heard you,” he’d say, going on to propose a new Works Progress Administration that would directly employ at least 20 million Americans to rebuild crumbling bridges, create America’s long-overdue high-speed rail network, and other tasks. He’d pay for it by ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which are unpopular anyway. He wouldn’t even have to get such a bill passed. He’d just have to try. The protesters would vanish, mostly to volunteer for Obama’s campaign.

The fact that Obama can’t even go through the motions of responding to the number-one priority of the electorate—jobs and the economy—exposes the nature of the political system over which he presides. Obama, Congress and the U.S. political class are so beholden to their corporate campaign contributors that they don’t dare to even pretend to respond to voters—not even to retain their own positions.

(Ted Rall is the author of “The Anti-American Manifesto.” His website is


Why No Demands?

Regarding the Demand that the OWSers issue Demands:

We know what we need to do. But how? One thing is for sure: Old revolutionary models, with their old vocabulary and often alien origins, are not and can never be 100 percent applicable to the state of our nation in our times.

We’re not even sure America as a nation-state can or should survive. Looking to cut and paste old ideologies—communism, socialism, anarchism, libertarianism, Ruby Ridge–style right-wing survivalism—into our near future is doomed to failure. Revolutionary goals will develop organically after revolution has begun, as those who seek to replace the failed state argue and fight and float ideas among themselves and the broader public at large.

—from The Anti-American Manifesto, by Ted Rall (2010)

Nine-Figure “Charity” Shakes Down Poor Cartoonists for “Pro Bono” Spec Work

Yesterday I received a query from the American Cancer Society for a “pro bono cartoonist.”

Please note, the American Cancer Society is a spectacularly wealthy institution with net assets of $1.3 billion. They pay their retired officers over a million dollars a year.

If we don’t shame these shameless people—people like Arianna Huffington who can EASILY afford to pay cartoonists and other freelancers but simply don’t feel like it—the “information is free” phenomenon is only going to get worse, and more creative types will be driven out of business.


Here’s the original query that I received:

My name is Ivy Wang. I work with the American Cancer Society in Manhattan.I am contacting you because the American Cancer Society is looking for a pro bono cartoonist to help us create QuitBuddy personas.

Here is a brief introduction of the QuitBuddy idea:

As a part of the Great American Smokeout campaign, the American Cancer Society is looking for a pro bono cartoonist to create approximately three or more different QuitBuddy personas that individuals can choose from to act as their inspiration to quit smoking. Examples of potential QuitBuddy personas include Drill Sergeant, Cheerleader, Superhero, Guilty Mom, etc. The personas will be presented as cartoons or through a short comedian video. Caricatures of each persona will also be displayed on a Facebook home page as a postcard that can be tagged or shared or as a funny video from comedians.

We need the work done by November 1 if possible. However, we would still take cartoons later but it might not get promoted this year.

Please let me know if you are interested.

We really appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you


Here is my reply, modeled on replies to similar queries by other rich, cheap organizations written by Matt Bors and Mikhaela Reid:

Dear Ivy:

Thank you for thinking of me and my work. I do appreciate it.

Please don’t take this the wrong way—I assume you were simply asked to find a cartoonist or cartoonists—but you should be aware that asking for pro bono work from a cartoonist during the current economic environment for cartoonists is pushing a very big red button and might result in negative publicity for the American Cancer Society.

Since I greatly respect the Society’s work, especially its long-standing campaign to fight smoking, which has saved millions of lives, as a former President of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists I think I should let you know that there is a widespread feeling within the profession that organizations like yours can and should pay for cartoons by professional cartoonists.

These days, more and more non-profits and for-profit organizations alike are asking for “free” work by cartoonists. In an environment when scores of cartoonists are being forced to quit and being laid off due to lack of work, groups that pay for everything else ought to be willing to pay the relatively low fees charged by cartoonists.

Does the Society pay any of its staff? Does it rent office space? Does it buy office supplies? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” please consider paying cartoonists and other creators. Cartooning is hard work, and it deserves recompense.

According to information I found online, your budget is $350 million per annum. Surely an appropriate fee ($10,000, or 0.003% of your budget) is affordable for a company that spends $914,906 per year on its CEO.

A wildly successful cartoonist earns less than $25,000 per year.

I hope you take this in the friendly spirit in which is meant! And if you’re willing to reconsider your budget, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

Needless to say, I have not heard back.

SYNDICATED COLUMN: Quit Whining About Student Loans

Time for #OWS to Broaden Its Appeal

It has been 30 days since Occupy Wall Street began. The movement hasn’t shaken the world à la John Reed—not yet—but at one thousand occupations and counting, it can’t be ignored.

OWS has become so impressive, so fast, that it’s easy to forget its half-assed origin. No matter. The fact that the French Revolution was partly set off by the drunken ravings of the Marquis de Sade hardly reduces its importance.

Soon the Occupiers will have to face down a number of practical challenges. Like weather. Winter is coming. Unless they move indoors, campers at Occupy Minneapolis and Occupy Chicago will suffer attrition. But indoor space is private property. So confrontation with the police seems inevitable.

As I saw at STM/Occupy DC, there is an ideological split between revolutionaries and reformists. Typical of the reformists: This week OWSers urged sympathizers to close their accounts with big banks like Citibank and Bank of America and move their savings to credit unions and local savings and loans. If revolutionaries get their way, there will be no banks. Or one, owned by the people.

There is no immediate rush, nor should there be, to issue demands. The horizontal democracy format of the Occupy movement’s General Assemblies is less about getting things done than giving voices to the voiceless. For most citizens, who have been shut out of politics by the fake two-party democracy and the corporate media, simply talking and being heard is an act of liberation. At some point down the road, however, the movement will come to a big ideological fork: do they try to fix the system? Or tear it down?

The Occupiers don’t have to choose between reformism and revolution right away—but they can’t wait too long. You can’t make coherent demands until you can frame them into a consistent narrative. What you ultimately want determines what you ask for in the time being—and how you ask for it.

Trotsky argued for the issuance of “transitional demands” in order to expose the uncompromising, unjust and oppressive nature of the regime. Once again, an “epoch of progressive capitalism” (reformism, the New Deal, Great Society, etc.) has ended in the United States and the West. Thus “every serious demand of the proletariat” de facto goes further than what the capitalist class and its bourgeois state can concede. Transitional demands would be a logical starting point for an Occupy movement with a long-term revolutionary strategy.

Both routes entail risk. If the Occupiers choose the bold path of revolution, they will alienate moderates and liberals. The state will become more repressive.

On the other hand, reformism is naïve. The system is plainly broken beyond repair. Trying to push for legislation and working with establishment progressives will inevitably lead to cooption, absorption by big-money Democrats and their liberal allies, and irrelevance. (Just like what happened to the Tea Party, a populist movement subsumed into the GOP.)

Revolution means violence in the streets. Reform means failure, and the continued, slow-grinding violence by the corporate state: poverty, repression, injustice.

At this point, job one for the movement is to grow.

I don’t mean more Facebook pages or adding more cities. The day-to-day occupations on the ground need to get bigger, fast. The bigger the occupations, the harder they will be for the police to dislodge with violent tactics.

More than 42 percent of Americans do not work. Not even part-time. Tens of millions of people, with free time and nothing better to do, are watching the news about the Occupy movement. They aren’t yet participating. The Occupiers must convince many of these non-participants to join them.

Why aren’t more unemployed, underemployed, uninsured and generally screwed-over Americans joining the Occupy movement? The Los Angeles Times quoted Jeff Yeargain, who watched “with apparent contempt” 500 members of Occupy Orange County marching in Irvine. “They just want something for nothing,” Yeargain said.

I’m not surprised some people feel that way. Americans have a strong independent streak. We value self-reliance.

Still, there is something the protesters can and must do. They should make it clear that they aren’t just fighting for themselves. That they are fighting for EVERYONE in “the 99 percent” who aren’t represented by the two major parties and their compliant media.

OWSers must broaden their appeal.

Many of the Occupiers are in their 20s. The media often quotes them complaining about their student loans. They’re right to be angry. Young people were told they couldn’t get a job without a college degree; they were told they couldn’t get a degree without going into debt. Now there are no jobs, yet they still have to pay. They can’t even get out of them by declaring bankruptcy. They were lied to.

But it’s not about them. It’s about us.

The big point is: Education is a basic right.

Here is an example of how OWSers could broaden their appeal on one issue. Rather than complain about their own student loans, they ought to demand that everyone who ever took out and repaid a student loan get a rebate. Because it’s not just Gen Y who got hosed by America’s for-profit system of higher education. So did Gen X and the Boomers.

No one will support a movement of the selfish and self-interested.

The Freedom Riders won nobility points because they were white people willing to risk murder to fight for black people. Occupiers: stop whining about the fact that you can’t find a job. Fight for everyone’s right to earn a living.

The Occupy movement will expand when it appeals to tens of millions of ordinary people sitting in homes for which they can’t pay the rent or the mortgage. People with no jobs. Occupy needs those men and women to look at the Occupiers on TV and think to themselves: “They’re fighting for ME. Unless I join them, they might fail.”

The most pressing issues for most Americans are (the lack of) jobs, the (crappy) economy and growing income inequality. The foreclosure and eviction crisis is also huge. OWS has addressed these issues. But OWS has not yet made the case to the folks watching on TV that they’re focused like a laser.

It takes time to create jobs. But the jobless need help now. The Occupy movement should demand immediate government payments to the un- and underemployed. All foreclosures are immoral; all of them ruin neighborhoods. The Occupy movement should demand that everyone—not just victims of illegal foreclosures—be allowed back into their former homes, or given new ones.

For the first time in 40 years, we have the chance to change everything. To end gangster capitalism. To jail the corporate and political criminals who have ruined our lives. To save what’s left of our planet.

The movement must grow.

Nothing matters more.

(Ted Rall is the author of “The Anti-American Manifesto.” His website is

