The Pepper Spray is Flying

Marchers from #october2011 just got pepper sprayed at the Air and Space Museum, where they were protesting the drone murders at the drone plane exhibit.

Freedom Plaza, Day 3

The occupation continues. We need you to come help! The official permit expires tomorrow night, and the police are casing us out for arrests. We plan to stay and grow.

Yesterday one of the (liberal) organizers chided me for going “a little too far” with my speech calling for the R-word. I guess that explains why I don’t have a speaking date for tonight.


Freedom Plaza, Day 2

Currently discussing demands regarding the economy and financial system. Many here are reformists, specifically interested in things like abolishing the IMF in favor of state banks. Sadly, only 15% of attendees of the committee are revolutionists, though my speech was well received overall last night.

People are complicated. Democracy is strange.


Freedom Plaza 7 pm

I speak in 20 minutes. Currently a General Assembly is discussing the legal ramifications of sleeping in a federal park without a permit. It’s getting dark and cooler, but spirits are high and we are reaching out to Occupy Washington.

