We’ve Seen This Show Before

In 2002 and 2003, Bush told Iraq that its offer to allow weapons inspectors to visit came too late to avoid military action. Now Obama is doing the same thing to Syria.

But hey, what could go wrong?

Fundraiser Update

Almost there! Looking to raise $2000 to cover website redesign and improvements…thanks to everyone who contributed, we’re at $1787!


Anyone know what this is, and can you eat it?


SYNDICATED COLUMN: The Failure of Tahrir Square 2011

Not a Revolution, Just a Useless Protest

Two years ago, when I was in the Occupy movement, my comrades and I argued about revolution. Was revolution necessary? What is it? The split that destroyed our movement — as it did the Left during the Sixties — pitted revolutionaries against reformists. The most frustrating part of the debate, however, wasn’t ideological. It was linguistic.

Even on the Left, few Americans know what revolution is: the violent overthrow of the ruling classes. In a revolution, everything — beginning with the power structure — changes.

The Tahrir Square encampments that led to the ouster of Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak were a huge influence on Occupy. But we couldn’t agree about what they meant. Was Tahrir a “revolution”?

No doubt, the 2011 Arab Spring was a powerful mass movement. Everyone agreed about that. For reformists — people who want to fix the system rather than replace it — Tahrir Square was a perfect example to emulate: a peaceful people-power transition that changed things for the better without shedding blood. Cut-and-paste the same phenomenon from Cairo to the United States — convince millions of peaceful demonstrators to camp out in American cities to demand change — and you’d get similarly dramatic results, reformist Occupiers urged. “Egypt had a peaceful revolution,” they said.

Revolutionaries — people who want to get rid of the existing system and start from scratch — countered that the Arab Spring uprisings were not revolutions at all and were thus insufficent. “Tunisia and Egypt,” I said, “were merely personnel changes.” The system, the way society, politics and the economy are organized, remained unchanged.

As recent events prove, the resignation of a president does not a revolution make.

In all the ways that matter, post-Mubarak Egypt remains the same. Those who were rich before are still rich; the same-old poor are the brand-new poor. Egypt’s generals, awash in billions of barely-audited American taxdollars and high-tech military hardware, continue to call the shots.

Egypt’s military brass is a canny lot. Corrupt and autocratic, they tack left and right along with the winds on the dusty streets. When Tahrir got big, they called back their rapists of demonstrators and told Hosni it was time to take a powder. When Mohammed Morsi won the election, they golf-clapped — until Mo’s numbers fell. Then it was his turn to vanish into house arrest.

The crowds in Tahrir cheered as fighter jets streaked overhead. Applauding their own oppressors.


The proles get their concession. The figurehead performer everyone thinks runs the show, the big star who plays Mr. President on TV, gets fired after he turns stale. Yet, no matter how chaotic the politics, regardless of how much blood flows (spilled by projectiles made in the U.S.A.), the real bosses — the military, their business cronies, the publishers and owners of state media outlets — remain in charge.

Which now is plain as day.

General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who overthrew Morsi in a coup that dare not speak its name (in Western countries, whose quaint 20th century human rights laws would otherwise require the severing of lucrative weapons contracts that benefit major campaign donors), has apparently gotten so caught up in the serious business of slaughtering members of the Muslim Brotherhood that he’s completely forgotten to pay lip service to restoring democracy.

In the ultimate symbol of restoration (or feeling so confident they feel free to tip their hand), the military’s old friend/employee Mubarak is out of prison and may soon be released.

As two visiting U.S. senators recently witnessed firsthand, power has gone to al-Sisi’s telegenic little head. This isn’t a crackdown, but rather an attempt to grind the Muslim Brotherhood into oblivion. Al-Sisi’s soldiers have arrested the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, Mohamed Badie, on brazenly trumped-up charges. And his fellow coup leaders are gearing up for a fascist-style ban of the party — another return to the Mubarak era.

As usual, Western liberals are smart enough to foresee future blowback from the Egyptian junta’s brutal campaign. “Attempts to exclude a party with the level of support recently secured by the Muslim Brotherhood will simply prolong Egypt’s agony. That is a tragic lesson from the history of Algeria in the 1990s,” Douglas Alexander writes in The Guardian.

Also as usual, Western liberals are too stupid to push for a stronger remedy than wouldn’t-it-be-nice hoping things will magically feel guilty and stop mass murdering. “The Muslim Brotherhood needs the opportunity,” Alexander continues, “to ‘get out of the streets and into the voting booth.’ Yet to do so, its supporters must believe there is a viable democratic path.”

Which of course there isn’t.

Which brings us back to Tahrir Square 2011. What should Egypt’s proto-Occupiers have done instead?

If their goal was actual change rather than new window-dressing, the protesters at Tahrir shouldn’t have settled for a personnel change at the pseudo-top. Mubarak’s departure wasn’t enough.

If you want to eliminate oppression, you must eliminate the oppressors. In Egypt, that would have meant rounding up every major official in the military as well as the government, and seizing control of the nation’s economy. Everyone who was anyone, rich and/or powerful, should have been imprisoned.

This would, of course, have required violence.

Revolution isn’t pretty. But as we’re seeing now in Egypt, neither is the alternative.

(Ted Rall’s website is tedrall.com. Go there to join the Ted Rall Subscription Service and receive all of Ted’s cartoons and columns by email.)


Top Democrat Rejects Winners of Egyptian Election as “Not a Choice”

So now they’re admitting it: the US won’t accept the Muslim Brotherhood to rule Egypt – even though they won the elections:

Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., said he supports the president’s approach.

“These are very, very difficult choices,” said Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “I’m very unhappy, obviously, with the crackdown. But we essentially have two choices in Egypt. And that’s a military government, which hopefully will transition as quickly as possible to civilian government, or the Muslim Brotherhood. I don’t think the Muslim Brotherhood is a choice.”

Terrible Cartoons: Egyptian Bloodbath Edition

The crackdown by Egypt’s military junta against members of the Muslim Brotherhood, who were protesting the coup that deposed Mohammed Morsi, has led America’s editorial cartoons to release a spate of particularly stupid cartoons this weekend. Let’s take a look:

Clay Bennett

Clay Bennett joins a familiar refrain that we’ve seen by other artists, the implication that Egyptians are too stupid/confused to figure out a way out of the current political crisis. Which, aside from being offensive, is also ridiculous considering that the same cartoon could be labeled “United States.”


Steve Benson

Steve Benson kicks off early for the late August holidays by turning in this…what? As far as I can gather, it’s that Egypt is just falling apart. Because the pyramid, in the lexicon of American editorial cartoonists, is Egypt. (Which would be as though foreign cartoonists depicted America as a cowboy, or some other hoary historical relic.) It’s just an illustration — no opinion expressed — and anyway, it reminds me that the opposite is true. Those pyramids, and Egypt, have survived thousands of years of war and turmoil, much of which was worse than what we’re seeing now.


Walt Handelsman

Walt Handelsman is saying…what? That’s bloody crackdowns are bloody? Thanks. We knew that.


Matt Davies

I like this one by Matt Davies, who here is not afraid to take an anti-coup, anti-junta stand.

And finally, the worst of the bunch. Glenn McCoy blames the victim:

Glenn McCoy



I love the euphemism “clear” as it relates to the practice of Egyptian military junta goons massacring nonviolent demonstrators. It was also used, of course, by US state-controlled media when the Occupy Wall Street encampments were “cleared” by US government police hooligans.

1984 Came on Time

Courtesy of long-time reader Barbara Dale:

“In the actual year 1984 I was home alone one day in Bedford, Iowa (population 1600) when the doorbell rang. The man seeking entry flashed his FBI badge. Sitting in our living room he asked me if I knew that our daughter was corresponding with a KGB agent. I told him that our daughter was 18 years old and that she was engaged with a statewide church committee in exploring the possibility of a peaceful exchange with youth in the (then) Soviet Union. One name she had obtained and written to was a diplomat in the Soviet embassy in Washington, DC. At my rather scornful tone he defensively stated, “This is not Big Brother. We just thought you would want to know what your child is doing.” Ha! So I inquired how he came upon the information. He claimed the letter had not been read; they were simply acting upon the address and return address on the outside of the envelope!
So you thought mail just started to be photographed after 9/11/01??”
