USA Today turns ugly

USA Today piece about Lupita Nyong’o reads disturbingly, well, racist. “Creature”? And so much surprise that she’s sophisticated.


  • Yeah, that article was all slavery this, Kenya that.

    Come to think of it, I’ve referred to a few white women as beautiful/enchanting/charming/amazing creatures before. Have I been inadvertently racist?! Do I have a deep, unconscious, life-long hatred of my own race?

    Then again maybe the author is just a sneaky self-loathing sexist. It’s possible.

    • For me, the tone of shock that a black woman could be stunning and smart crossed the line from puff piece to something gross.

      • The article is objectifying as all hell. “Wow, she’s even a fashion model!” Terribly sexist and you make a good point that her being black made it easier to portray her so condescendingly.

      • Ted, at first I thought you were serious and then I read your initial post again and thought you must be posting ironically as you often do especially because, as Ex pointed out, of the Kos accusations against you. Then I realized you were serious and read the article in full. I could see where you are coming from, but I think the ‘surprise’ comes from the fact that she is so new to celebrity and yet masterful already in her public ways and talents. I think the author was genuinely impressed with this person and did a decent job of explaining why. Such an article of glowing praise can only be “objectifying” and “condescending” in a warped mind. The author is even self-deprecating in comparison. How can one look down upon a person she elevates above herself? And seriously, Miep, sexist? The author is female.

  • Of all the fucking people …. You, Ted Rall play this race-baiting game? After the KosKids bullshit and now you do the same? I have three words: For Fucking Shame.

    First off, the word “creature”. I guess now we have to add that one the “Official List of Words Whites Cannot Use When Discussing Blacks”. Along with the recently noted “thug” (which has now been deemed synonymous with “nigger”, but not “nigga” of course), and “gangsta”, we can now add “creature”. Good thing my girl is white, because when I tell her “you’re the sweetest creature on the planet” when we snuggle, I don’t want to be branded a racist.

    Second, this comment “For me, the tone of shock that a black woman could be stunning and smart ….” is total bullshit. Why? Because in the USA Today piece, the author writes after making these comments: “None of which should be surprising, given Nyong’o’s lineage and training.” After which she describes exactly why Nyong’o is so awesome.

    I reiterate: Of all the fucking people to play the race baiting game. Jesus H. Christ.

    Rall, you constantly tread brilliant ground, then stumble into dumbsville. I look forward to when you get back to brilliance.

    • I agree except for “Thug.” Richard Sherman didn’t do anything except get excited after he won a game and got called that. I really don’t think people would have called a white guy a thug for the same behavior.

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