So the biggest liberal blog finally noticed. To read the comments, however, is to see everything that’s wrong with the fake left. They’re cowardly and devoid of imagination, unable to imagine a world outside the right-wing paradigm.
Ted Rall on Staten Island
Just a reminder that I’ll be speaking at the ETG Book Cafe and Neighborhood Store on Staten Island Friday night, November 12. Events begins at 8 pm. Hope to see you there!
208 Bay Street near Victory Blvd.
(3 blocks walk from the Ferry Terminal)
Staten Island NY
(718) 447-8256
So Peaceful
Lots of right-wing blogs claim violence is exclusively a leftie phenomenon. But…
What about Tea Partiers showing up heavily armed at an Obama appearance? Or blowing up the federal building in Oklahoma City? Or right-wing goons beating up a female protester at a Rand Paul event? Or GOP douchebags beating up a Florida election official during the 2000 recount battle? Or, during the 2000 recount, James Baker III threatening a violent coup in the event that Bush wasn’t declared the winner? Or endorsing waterboarding and other torture techniques? Or right-wingers shooting Sikhs after 9/11?
Yeah, you “conservatives” (you’re nothing of the sort, since conservatism opposes big government and deficits and intrusion into our private lives, but you all loved Bush) are SOOOOOO peaceful.
No Left Left
Gotta love how the left gets its back.
When right-wingers like Ann Coulter get attacked in the media, right-wing bloggers defend her. Even moderate Republicans watch her back.
As I read today’s blogs, 100% of the action is criticism from the right. From the leftie bloggers: crickets.
OK, so maybe you don’t agree with everything I have to say. But really, it’s pretty lame not to defend your own side. This is, after all, a culture war.
But I can’t say it’s surprising.
Video of MSNBC Appearance
Crazy right-wing bloggers are going nuts due to my appearance on MSNBC yesterday. They think anger belongs to them. Well, think again. Or think for once.
I wonder what all my new rightie teases here at the will make of my take on Obama. It’ll probably make their heads explode.
Here’s the clip:
A Conversation with Ted Rall
A Conversation with Ted Rall
Radio Interview
Host: Bob Paquette
WFCR Amherst MA
November 8, 2010
Ted Rall on MSNBC Today
Hi! I’ll be on MSNBC with Dylan Ratigan today in order to discuss “The Anti-American Manifesto.” Check local listings. Airtime for the show is 4-5 pm East Coast time but I will be on at about 4:40 pm.
Radio Interview on WFCR Amherst
You can listen to “A Conversation with Ted Rall” on WFCR Amherst. The show airs tomorrow morning.
Additional NYC Manifesto Signing/Talk – 11/18
If you missed my previous NYC appearances or couldn’t get enough last time, I’ll be talking and signing and showing toons at Revolution Books on the evening of Thursday, November 18th. Time TBA, but probably around 7:30 pm. Location is:
146 W. 26th Street
(Between 6th & 7th Ave.)
Take 1 to 28th Street
Take R, W to 28th Street
Take F to 23rd Street
Take C to 23rd Street
Save the date and spread the word!