Republicans: The Peace Party?

Coming soon: The bizarre spectacle of the GOP-controlled House voting on a Dennis Kucinich-sponsored bill against Obama’s oil war against Libya.

The vote was already delayed because (horrors!) it might pass, triggering a devastating peace.

It’ll be interesting to watch if the GOP takes on the War Party (Obama’s pseudo-Democrats).

Bill Keller out at the New York Times

And Jill Abramson ascendeth.

Not quite sure that this personnel shift from a 62-year-old Boomer to a 57-year-old Boomer justifies front-page coverage (!) but I am wondering if this means the paper will replace the three editorial cartoonist staff jobs it simultaneously eliminated while caving into McCarthyism in the 1950s? With interest that makes eight.

It’s Always Sunny in Kabul

Mural at travel agency in Kabul. Workers there thought it was Frankfurt because some German told them that. We let them know it was Philadelphia.

Your Taxdollars At Work

Afghanistan’s wealthy and corrupt political and business elite are building gaudy homes like this one in Kabul.

Bugged Out

When the going gets tough in Afghanistan, it’s time for dune-buggying!

He Has My Vote

I’m a cartoonist. This candidate for the Afghan parliament had me at the inkwell.
