The Blame Game

Defeat is an orphan. But defeated Democrats, themselves responsible for losing an election to Donald Trump that should have been easy to win, are flailing about trying to pin the blame on everyone but themselves.

First They Forced Us To Get Pregnant

Right-wing Republicans are banning abortion and contraception. Rape is probably next. If forced pregnancies are the point, however, their environmental policies will interfere with their agenda.

Pro-Rape From A to Z

The Arizona Supreme Court affirmed an 1864 law that bans abortion without exceptions for rape or incest. State legislators then blocked a Democratic attend to repeal the statute. Can Arizona put a positive spin on this mess?

Unforced Error in the Granite State

The Biden campaign had what they thought would be a clever solution to their fear that the president would lose the New Hampshire primary. They decertified NH and made South Carolina first. Then Dean Phillips challenged Biden in NH. Faced with the prospect that Biden will lose the first primary (even if it’s unofficial), Biden has launched a write-in campaign for the race from which he asked to be removed from the ballot.

What About Disrespect? Would That Work?

When major political parties ask young people what they need and want from them, the answer is always the same. But the parties are always unwilling to do what’s needed to get, and keep, support from younger voters.
