Western athletes attending the World Cup in Qatar are trying to send critical political messages to the local authorities. It might seem cute but it’s also rude. If you can’t stand the politics of another country, it might be best not to visit.
Great Replacement
Tucker Carlson of Fox News has been amplifying the so-called “great replacement” theory that has been circulating in the far-right fringes of American politics. The argument is that there is an elaborate plot to accelerate the demographic trends that are leading to a country that has a lower percentage of white Americans. Implicit is the racist assumption that this would be a terrible thing.
Great Replacement
“The great replacement theory” is a conspiracy theory that looks at the shrinking proportion of white Americans and explains it as the result of a left-leaning plot to replace whites with people of color who are more likely to vote to the left. It has gained mainstream currency within the Republican Party and on Fox News.
DMZ America Podcast #45: Biden’s Racist Immigration Policy, Another Civil War in Afghanistan?, Johnny Depp’s Courage
Joe Biden is throwing America open to any Ukrainian who wants to come here, but even if you’ve been waiting for years to cross the southern border as a refugee because the United States overthrew and destroyed your home country’s democratically elected government, you need not apply. Simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout Afghanistan paint an ominous portrait of renewed civil conflict in a country that is suffering from 97% mass starvation due to White House policies. Johnny Depp’s extraordinary courage testifying to being abused by his mother and his ex-wife Amber Heard prompt a discussion about the hidden epidemic of American men abused by women. Check out this week’s DMZ America podcast with political cartoonists Ted Rall and Scott Stantis.
Why Are We in so Deep for Ukraine?
The people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and many other countries destroyed by US military forces never enjoyed the sympathetic media coverage, much less the humanization, that Ukrainians are getting during the Russian invasion. To the contrary, Afghan patriots who shot at American forces were portrayed as terrorists and enemy combatants. Why the difference?
Fun for the Whole Country! Race Trial!
Every so often there’s another so-called “race trial.” Whether the defendant is white as in the Arbury trial or Black as with O.J. Simpson, or a racially-tinged trial like that of Kyle Rittenhouse, Americans increasingly root for their side the same way that they support their favorite sport team. These clown shows substitute for rolling up our sleeves to try to get rid of racism once and for all.