We Will Never Be so Stupid Again until We Are

This is a really stupid country and it gets even stupider during war. After war fever abides and people calm down, they inevitably look back and wonder what the hell they were thinking. Then it happens all over again.

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  • alex_the_tired
    March 16, 2022 7:34 AM

    Fun fact: You can only get away with being stupid for so long. Eventually, your luck or your money or your credit runs out. What’s Richard Burton’s line at the end of Where Eagles Dare? “Not as painfuI as that long drop to the end of the rope.” We’ve been voting the gallows into creation for decades now. And a lot of greedy, grasping smoothyguts have been helping slip the noose around our necks the whole time. We’ll have a lot of time to reflect on the long drop down.

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