From the Whiners to the Twee, Right-Wingers Will Be Free

Pro-Israel students at colleges and universities like Columbia claim that they feel endangered when they see pro-Palestine antiwar protests on campus and hear phrases like “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Everyone is entitled to their own baseless feelings, but let’s not forget who has REAL cause to fear for their lives–those in Gaza who are being slaughtered by Israel.

Don’t Feel Sorry for the Gazans

Supporters of Israel sometimes say that the people of Gaza deserve collective punishment because they support Hamas, which carried out terrorist attacks against Israel. Setting aside the fact that Hamas was not elected, Americans should be careful about claims that terrorism by a government justifies violent retaliation against a civilian population.

DMZ America Podcast #75: Trump Runs Again. NATO Almost Starts WW3. What Should the 2024 Campaign Be About?

Donald Trump is running a third time. Editorial cartoonists Ted Rall and Scott Stantis discuss his prospects and possible challengers, as well as the media’s attempt to pretend he doesn’t exist. A stray Ukrainian missile kills two people in Poland, Poland blames Russia and NATO almost goes to war with Russia over the mistake. Did Russia have a point about an intertwined military alliance along its border? Finally, a contrast between what the 2024 campaign will look like and what, in a saner country with a functional political climate, it should be about.



Calling the IDF

State prisons keep botching executions of inmates, prolonging death to obscene lengths of time such as nearly two hours in Arizona. How hard is it to kill a person? Israel has killed 1500 Gazans, all accidentally? Surely there’s a way to turn two wrongs into a right.

Droning Questions

It has been reported that President Obama is watching a U.S. member of Al Qaeda and wants to kill him with drones. However, Obama’s new rules say he can’t use CIA drones, which are tracking the suspect, to assassinate U.S. citizens. What a conundrum! How to work around it? And why does he have to?

The Ethics of Death

Whether it’s OK to use killer drones to blow people up depends on their citizenship and geographic proximity to the Good Old USA.

Vocabulary Glossary for Libya

Obama engaged in linguistic contortions in order to justify his violation of the War Powers Act. To avoid requesting Congressional approval for the war in Libya, he pretends it doesn’t qualify as “hostilities.” Tell it to the Libyans.
